HS to Thelsamar and turn in Badlands Reagent Run. Ding 40! Chapter 4 Levels 40-50 Expected /played time to 50: 3d12h-4d12h 40-40 Desolace Fly to SW and get spells and mount. Fly to Booty Bay and set HS. Turn in Dream Dust in the Swamp, accept Rumors for Kravel. Take boat ...
ReagentRestocker by cheeken. Automatically purchases items from vendors and your bank - up to a quantity you specify - automatically, when you open a vendor or bank window. Additionally, it will assist you in selling items. Rebirther
Reagent Vendor Alliance ReaLife Horde rean Alliance Reaper Legion Horde Reapers Horde Rebelion Horde Rebirth Alliance Reborn Alliance RECAST Alliance Reckoning Keepers Horde Reconquista del Caos Horde RED Horde Red Alert Horde RED Alliance Alliance Red Fury Horde red hand club Alliance red life Horde Re...