(200-225) Spider Sausage (requires 2 White Spider Meat each) or Roast Raptor (requires 1 Raptor Flesh, 1 Hot Spices each) (225-275) Monster Omelet (requires 1 Giant Egg, 2 Soothing Spices each) or Tender Wolf Steak (requires 1 Tender Wolf Meat, 1 Soothing Spices each) (285-300) Smo...
Once Raptor Mastery is done, run south to reach Bal’lal Ruins. Kill all the trolls here until Bloody Bone Necklaces, Bloodscalp Ears, and Hunt for Yenniku are finished. There are more trolls to the northeast. Run west now until you hit the shore. Follow it to the north and kill ...
Raptor Flesh Sold by theseVendors. Cooking 225-300 225-250 Monster Omelet Giant Egg Sold by theseVendors. 250-285 Juicy Bear Burger Bear Flank Taught by theseTrainers. 285-300 Smoked Desert Dumplings Sandworm Meat You’ll need to complete the second part of the quest chainDesert Recipe, it ...
You'll need 12 Giant Eggs, 10 zesty Clam Meat and 20 Alterac Swiss. The Alterac Swiss is the easiest to get, just goto the Inn in Thunderbluff and buy them from the Innkepper . Get the eggs from the Owlbeasts in The Hinterlands (the drop rate is way better than the Rocs in Tanar...
[Crab Cake]- 1 Crawler Meat Alliance players should also buy[Recipe: Cooked Crab Claw]fromKendor Kabonkain Stormwind because some of the sea creatures will drop[Crawler Claw]. 130 - 300 130 - 175 50 x[Curiously Tasty Omelet]- 50 Raptor Egg ...
Classic Azuremyst Isles Azuremyst Isle The Exodar Bloodmyst Isle Darkshore Classic Felwood Classic Moonglade Mount Hyjal Teldrassil Classic Darnassus Winterspring Classic Central Kalimdor The Barrens Classic Northern Barrens Southern Barrens Desolace ...
Hearth of Fire, Ironwebspidersilk, thick spider silk, shadow silk, elemental fire, coal and white spider meat. Level range: lvl 45/50 Estimated money pr. hour: 10g + Burning Steppes: --- Location: North east. Description: The elite black dragons...
He used to be prized for his fast pursuit speed, but since normalization, he's just another raptor. Spiders Health: Medium Armor: Low DPS: High Diet: Meat Abilities: Bite Family ability: None to date Spiders have only marginally less visual variation than cats, with "spindly" ...
Kor'kron meat camp Kor'kron refinery Undisplayed locations— Bellipotent Maiden's Dagger Thunderhead Summit Venture Co. Tower Northern Barrens category Subzones of the Barrens in Classic Agama'gor Boulder Lode Mine Bramblescar Camp Taurajo The Crossroads Dreadmist Peak Dreadmist Den The Dry Hills ...
experiences you can have. People’s lives are on the line, and you’re the main cog separating them from hefty repair bills and long walks back to a rotting corpse. But with a constant need for these meat shields, tanking inWorld of Warcraft Classicis a sure-fire way to get into ...