The last part is going to be findingThe Shard of Lightin Hillsbrad Foothills, right about here. Show you on the map. Right about here, you start a path up toRavenholdt, and then the path just goes around. So, you go around behind to the right of the Ravenholdt Castle. There’s ...
quests and quest objectives for the quests you are currently doing on your world map and minimap. This addon will help speed up your leveling a lot, but it was not available in the original WoW Classic, so if you want a true WoW Classic experience, then you can avoid using this addon....
Categories:Map & Minimap,Professions,Quests & Leveling This is an addon for World of Warcraft Classic (1.12). It helps players to find several ingame objects and quests. The addon reads questobjectives, parses them and uses its internal database to plot the found matches on the world- and...
Spy Classic: Tracks nearby enemy players, alerting you to potential PvP threats. Best Leveling and Questing Addons in WoW Classic Questie: A powerful quest helper that improves the questing experience with map markers, objectives, and other quality-of-life features. What’s Training?: Displays av...
Questie Classicmarks level-appropriate quests you can pick up and quest objectives you can turn in on your world map and minimap. Use it for efficiency, or don't use it for the real Vanilla Experience! 2.8. MapCoords Classic MapCoords Classicplaces coordinates on your world map and minimap, ...
Atlas_ClassicWoW AttackTimer Auctionator AutoLoggerClassic BasicMinimap BasicMinimap_Options BattleInfo BetterVendorPrice BiaoGe BigDebuffs BlizzMove BlizzMovePlugin_QuestTracker BlizzMove_Debug BuffTimers BugSack BuyEmAllClassic CChatFilter ChatBar Classic
Classic Quest Log Downloading Now ... More AddOns to Consider.
Point arrow towards objective (requires TomTom addon) Quest Communication You can see party members quest progress on the tooltip. At least Questie version 5.0.0 is required by everyone in the party for it to work, tell your friends to update! Tooltips Show tooltips on map notes and quest ...
(quests picked up / completed, quest items looted / mobs killed, etc). Only for some steps completion has to be confirmed manually (such as resupplying, getting new skills, etc). Locations referenced in the guide are shown on the map and minimap. Also there is an arrow pointing in the...
Questieis the key to success in WoW, especially in WoW Classic. This addon will help organize quests the player has, tell them where to go, and how to complete the it. WoW Classic does not give you much information in terms of quest locations and such. This addon is a must-have for...