The best place to buy Classic WoW Gold for sale, available for US and EU Servers with cheap prices and 24/7 customer support.
Consumables are an important part of PvP in Classic. While using as many as possible will quickly get you to 0 gold, you should always have some on you for the fights you cannot afford to lose. We made a list of the most important consumables to have as a Warrior in PvP (lookhere f...
清算骑在奥山可好玩了 Another Classic Bunker 4v1 硬刚正面 2025 0 清算骑才是法伤骑 Swellz 4 - Thunderfury Reckoning Paladin PvP (WoW Classic - Vanilla) 硬刚正面 1340 1 经典旧世,清算骑的律则。Coreth - Law and Order 硬刚正面 2026 2 Vasky神圣法伤骑第一部 Vasky- Spell damage Paladin...
Consumables are an important part of PvP in Classic. While they are not required, and especially as a Warlock you can win fights without them, they definitely will give you the edge in fights. If you use as many consumables as possible all the time, you will quickly drive yourself bankrupt...
Get ready to put your skills to the test in WoW Classic. The PvP Honor system and world raid bosses Lord Kazzak and Azuregos are now available.
The first two times the gong is rang, waves of spider adds will come into the room from either side. The third time you ring the gong, the boss is summoned. Killing Tuten’Kash is straightforward, and many groups may not need to worry about dispelling the Virulent Poison or decursing ...
Which class and spec should you play for the WoW Classic Fresh TBC? We'll go over every class, highlight the strengths and weaknesses of each spec, and help you decide which one to pick for PvE, PvP, and Hardcore!WoW Classic PvE DPS Ranking...
I have re-immersed myself into the world of Azeroth after missing the original classic launch. A friend of mine is new to the game and these fresh servers are a perfect way for him to start, but we dragged him into hardc…
With the 1.14.4 patch to WoW Classic Era, we’ve updated how PvP ranking works, both in immediate gameplay and via weekly rank calculations. For those who wish to know the details of how this system calculates weekly rank…
1. Recommended races for PvP You should pick a race depending on your personal taste. Leveling a character in Classic WoW takes a long time and demands serious effort. If you don’t even like the character, it’s a waste.Picking something you like is most important. ...