The War Within Profession and Specialization Guides The War Within Alchemy Blacksmithing Enchanting Engineering Inscription Jewelcrafting Leatherworking Tailoring Herbalism Mining Skinning Cooking Fishing Archaeology Classic WoW The WoW Classic guides are on separate pages. You can find them here: ...
Professions in World of Warcraft Classic are exclusive trade skills or crafts that a character can train in, regardless of race or class. Professions can be leveled up to a maximum skill level of 300, and provide a character with a multitude of benefits,
All major craft classes provide value for at least one profession or specialization. Here are some of the biggest reasons to use each profession. Alchemy Alchemy in TBC is a powerful profession for producing gold. Transformations like Primal Might are of great value throughout the game, and in ...
Tier Lists with in-depth analysis for all the aspects of WoW Classic you might be interested in. Check out what are the best DPS, Tank, Healer, leveling classes, and more! Tier Lists for PvE/PvP and Professions included
We've all seen this question a thousand times by now; "How long will it take to get to level 60 in WoW Classic". A question that's difficult to answer at the best of times and the answers are always filled with anecdotes about "well when I played in Vani
The first WOW TBC Classic profession we go with is Tailoring, it is a production profession, players collect recipes to give them the ability to make powerful gear for equipping or trading. Tailoring gets some big updates going into TBC from Classic. When picking up a specializat...
Expansive Mindis a strong passive for both PvE and PvP, increasing your Mana pool and spell crit chance through your Intellect.Engineering Specializationis also worth mentioning sinceEngineeringis the most popular and most powerful profession in the game. LastlyEscape Artistis a powerful tool in PvP...
Hey everyone, I was wondering if, in Classic, your profession leveling is gated by your character level. For example, if I am level 15 and get to 150 Mining, would I have to I be level 20 or something before I can train…
The profession provides numerous powerful pre-raid pieces of gear and also gives Warlocks their best-in-slot two-piece Spellstrike set. Meanwhile, there are three types of special cloth that tailors can create, similar toClassic’s Mooncloth, that can be used to craft various goodies and gear...
Viability of Paladins in PvE in WoW Classic Just as with the other hybrids, just because Paladins can play as any role does not mean they have a spot in raids as every role. Their healing specialization, Holy, is by far their strongest in terms of raid viability and is the one you wil...