Players will need to learn Riding in order to use a mount in Classic. Unlike with the other professions, you cannot level this up via training, but instead will learn Apprentice and Journeyman Riding for a set amount of gold. Post hotfix just before Phase 2 launch, mount costs inSeason of...
Welcome to, where you’ll find fast and efficient profession leveling guides for WoW. Whether you’re a new player or a veteran, my step-by-step guides will help you level up quickly and save gold. Playing The War Within, Cataclysm Classic, or WoW Classic? I’ve got...
Classic WoW Guides World of Warcraft Classic is a faithful recreation of the original World of Warcraft—it runs a bit smoother on today’s computers, but the game still looks and feels like you’re playing World of Warcraft from 2006. Below you can find profession leveling guides for every...
Tier Lists with in-depth analysis for all the aspects of WoW Classic you might be interested in. Check out what are the best DPS, Tank, Healer, leveling classes, and more! Tier Lists for PvE/PvP and Professions included
Recommended ProfessionsMiningandEngineering,SkinningandLeatherworking 3.1. Viability of Hunters in PvE in WoW Classic With so much of their class built around the ability to level and farm solo, you may be surprised to know that Hunters actually have a fairly safe raid spot, especially early on ...
Professions in World of Warcraft Classic are exclusive trade skills or crafts that a character can train in, regardless of race or class. Professions can be leveled up to a maximum skill level of 300, and provide a character with a multitude of benefits,
WoW ClassicSoD profession leveling and level cap, explained The Season of Discovery’s level cap is 25, which means the profession skill cap is going to be lower as a result. For all professions in the Season of Discovery,the profession level cap sits at 150to start things off. We’...
Hey everyone, I was wondering if, in Classic, your profession leveling is gated by your character level. For example, if I am level 15 and get to 150 Mining, would I have to I be level 20 or something before I can train…
If you’re looking for the latest guides, tips, news, and updates for WoW Expansion Classic, PlayerAuctions will have it. We put out all the highest quality content for WoW Expansion Classic in one place.
Welcome to our WoW Classic leveling guide for warriors! The tough and mighty warrior certainly makes for one of the strongest late-game classes for damage or tanking, but it balances out with a fairly weak leveling experience. If you’re feeling frustrat