- Fix addon not working when old versions of LibClassicDurations is loaded by some other addon. - Minor performance optimizations. v1.3.2: - Casts will now also be stopped on unit jumping. - Removed April fools joke, don't worry there'll be a new one next year :) - Add options to...
github.com/aswinkarthik/csvdiff/cmd/formatter.go:49 +0xda github.com/aswinkarthik/csvdiff/cmd.runContext(0xc000102180, {0x6f88c0, 0xc0000ac0a0}, {0x6f88c0, 0xc0000ac0a8}) github.com/aswinkarthik/csvdiff/cmd/root.go:108 +0x505 github.com/aswinkarthik/csvdiff/cmd.init.func2(0xc...
What's a 'goofy joke', meanwhile? We need a line that at least explains what's being removed and what isn't. But the only line we've been given ('mature innuendos' = fine, 'punching down' = not fine) can't be interpreted in any useful way to explain at least ha...