Gold-making potential/advantages of the profession in the early days of Classic Servers -First Aid is a very good quality-of-life and support profession, but leveling it up will consume some resources that would be otherwise sold on the Auction House/Vendored. It is worth it for Rogues, Wa...
Take Deeprun Tram to Ironforge. Get FP, train new skinning, train FA, buy food/water if needed. Set HS. Run out of IF, go east. Kill boars and bears you meet. Make sure you have a combined amount of 10 boar/wolf meat. <WEAPON UPGRADE> If there are people around, or if you fe...
Alliance:Stormwind, Ironforge, Darnassus, The Exodar After you ask the guard, the trainer will be marked with a red mark on your map. 1 - 130 If it's November, you might want to check out myPilgrim's Bounty cooking leveling guide. You can level cooking to 300 in about an hour. ...
Grind spot list. Before I start, you need to realize this is not a complete 1-60 leveling guide, it's just a guide that will help you find some good grinding spots, if you need a leveling guide, the best one isJoana's Classic WoW leveling guides.. Contested areas: Area: Contested ...
Additionally, the Ironforge dwarves believe they have a right to the lands as well, and Magni Bronzebeard has issued a "sovereign imperialistic imperative" to the Stormpike Guard to take the land for the kingdom of Ironforge. Other connections to ancient dwarves (previously Earthen) are the trog...
Cook the Boar Meat and Stringy Wolf Meat until 40 (train on Spiced Wolf Meat at level 10 and use this to get skill ups quicker, but you'll have to buy mild spices). At this point you really should take up Fishing as it's easier to fill the gaps, patriculary if your on the Hor...
1 [Arcane Catalyst] –this was bought from Zalle, the Reagent Vendor in Silvermoon City for 50. The price of the item was reduced according to your reputation with Silvermoon. 1 [Crepuscular Powder] –this was bought from Darlia, the Poison Supplier in Silvermoon City for 150. The price...
Diet: The more things a pet eats, the easier it is to feed, particularly at low levels when getting an appropriate vendor is hard. Meat, fish and bread are the easiest foods to come by, in that order, because meat drops and most innkeepers sell it, fish can be fished, and bread ca...