Classic so if that’s your metric then the game has always been P2W. As long as there is no real money involved it's not pay to win. WoW tokens made it possible. Reply With Quote 2020-02-27, 08:33 AM #582 Lolites Legendary! Join Date Sep 2019 Posts 6,519 Originally Posted...
Expansion: WoW Classic When it comes to raw DPS you can’t go wrong with a Shaman at all. While they can’t ever reach the heights of ranged damage that the Hunter, or even the Warlock can dole out, Shaman can still contend. Like the Balance Druid, the Elemental Shaman’s main contr...
WoW Classic: Season of Discoveryhas begun, and with it comes the all-new Rune Engraving system that allows for more class options, including never-before-seen roles for specific classes, like rogue tanks and mage healers! Since Rune Engraving is a brand new system to WoW Classic, some pla...
Maybe we will get lucky and this is going to be a progression version without taking away from what they are doing with Classic versions. I also think this will be their chance to fix problems on a much smaller scale and as they come up instead of trying to repair the entire game from...
Buy cheap WoW Classic Gold. PlayerAuctions is the best place to buy wow gold from fast, reputed sellers with 24/7 guaranteed security and customer support.
1. Farming Farming is one of the most common ways to earn gold in WoW Classic Season of Discovery. You can farm for various items, such as cloth, leather, herbs, and ore, which can be sold for a good price in the auction house. You can also farm for rare items that drop from s...
WoW Classic‘s racial abilities are easy enough to understand. Some races, such as Undead and Night Elf, are clearly more geared toward PvP content, but you will probably have the same fun with any class and race combination (unless you get a little too used to Will of the Forsaken). ...
Odealo is a secure trading platform for MMO gamers. Here you can buy, sell, and trade WoW Classic and BfA Gold with the use of real cash. WOW GOLD The Classic Features Over the years of development and finetuning, a lot of things were changed or flat out deleted from the game, and...
WoW Classic class guide: choose wisely WoW Classic server: which to go for WoW Classic addons: tidy up your UI In the early days, World of Warcraft was very different to what we play now. Crucially, the decision of whether to go Alliance or Horde is a massive one. Once you take a ...
if there's money to be gained with portraying something in xyz way, there's a good chance they will lean that way. I'm not condemning streamers for prioritizing business, I'm saying it's wise for their fans to be less gullible and buy into everything they say on a surfac...