How to Get to Stormwind as a Night Elf How to Breathe Underwater Tools Talent Calculator Druid Talents Hunter Talents Mage Talents Paladin Talents Priest Talents Rogue Talents Shaman Talents Warlock Talents Warrior Talents Best in Slot Druid BiS Feral Tank BiS Feral DPS BiS Resto Healing BiS...
Thorfin Stoneshield— Stormwind City Thorgas Grimson— Dun Morogh Ulfir Ironbeard— Stormwind City 5. Hunter Guides for World of Warcraft: Classic For information on how best to play your Hunter in Classic, you can check out the following guides. ...
Finish: Archbishop Benedictus at the Cathedral in Stormwind Objectives: Kill Amnennar the Coldbringer, the last boss in Razorfen Downs Rewards: Vanquisher’s Sword Amberglow Talisman 4300 experience 150 reputation with Stormwind Horde Quests Bring the End Shareable: Yes Level Required: 37 Start: ...
Navigating the capital cities in of Azeroth is a different affair in WoW Classic. Finding the trainers and supplies you need can take a little extra time to adjust to, so we’ve put together a handy guide to point you in the right direction.
If you're playing WoW Classic, chances are you'll find it cumbersome to navigate through main cities which is why Blizzard posted a handy city guide, starting with Stormwind. Tip: If you're having trouble finding trainers, vendors, weapon masters, and other NPCs, talk to a guard, pick wh...
(100-130) Seasoned Wolf Kabob (requires 2 Lean Wolf Flank, 1 Stormwind Seasoning Herbs) (130-175) Curiously Tasty Omelet (requires 1 Raptor Egg, 1 Hot Spices) or Hot Lion Chops (requires 1 Lion Meat, 1 Hot Spices each) (175-200) Soothing Turtle Bisque (requires 1 Turtle Meat, 1 Soo...
How to Get to Stormwind as a Night Elf How to Breathe Underwater Tools Talent Calculator Druid Talents Hunter Talents Mage Talents Paladin Talents Priest Talents Rogue Talents Shaman Talents Warlock Talents Warrior Talents Best in Slot Druid BiS Feral Tank BiS Feral DPS BiS Resto Healing BiS...
Eight Classic WoW's Races and their Factions Alliance The successor to the Alliance of Lordaeron, the Classic Alliance is a coalition of mutual economic and military aid between the Humans of Stormwind, the Night Elves of Darnassus, the Dwarves of Khaz Modan, and the Gnomes of Gnomeregan. The...
Details:getting Summon Charger Spell requires you to be level 60. The Quest Starts again in Stormwind's Cathedral Square, and you have to talk to Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker to start the Quest chain. You will be required to visit Dire Maul to obtain the Mount. Completing the Quest will also...
It is suggested that you find an area near a bank, a trainer, and the Auction House for leveling your Blacksmithing skill. Your faction’s capital will contain these three things, making Stormwind or Orgrimmar perfect locations. Once you start crafting armor, your bags will fill up quickly. ...