Classic Aura Durations By installingClassic Aura Durations, the buffs/debuffs on the default UI gain a duration indicator. This includes raid frame debuffs, which are very handy when raid-wide decursing is needed. 1.4.5. Classic Castbars ...
Tulla Range— Another handy Rogue mod that makes standard action buttons appear red when the target is out of range. Colors for both the out of range and the out of mana/energy/rage indicators are customizable. Trinket Menu; Classic Aura Durations; Classic Castbars. Shaman Shaman addons make...
Have casters stay at maximum range, and generally try to get him to face away from the rest of the raid. Magmadar Abilities & Attacks AoE Fear: every 30 seconds on everything inside 90 feet Frenzy: enrages every 20 seconds Fire Globs: balls of fire drop from him and cause major damage...
神级综合提示,是一款定制性极高,远超PowerAuras的插件。 插件内置多种提醒材质:自定义文字、法术图标、显示计时或冷却的图像、计时条等方式来关注你想监视的任何Buff/Debuff/法术特效的触发和层数等。 设置命令: /WA - 打开设置界面 这是使用该插件制作的,监视强化灵魂之火BUFF的效果。 最后更新:2025-02-27 06:...
Positioning: Stay in range for your healer and out of bad stuff. Melee, be aware of your position relative to mobs and bosses. So, in the main thing, are the common: No dispelling, be smart with pulls, communicate, use Weak Auras, and always stay alert. ...
[Carapace of the Old God] Warrior, Paladin, Hunter, Rogue, Shaman [Husk of the Old God] Priest, Mage, Warlock, Druid C'Thun Non-set Loot ItemType [Base of Atiesh] Quest Item (Classic only) [Belt of Never-Ending Agony] Leather belt [Cloak of Clarity] Cloak [Cloak of the ...
death knight,druid,monk,paladin,,shaman,demon hunterandwarrior. Monks, paladins and druids are able to fulfil any of the roles - dealing damage, tanking or healing - while shamans are good at dealing damage (caster or melee) or healing. Death knights, demon hunters and warriors are able to...
Best Hunter pets in WoW Classic Jerome Heath World of Warcraft How to get the Seal of Wrynn in WoW Classic Jerome Heath World of Warcraft How to zoom out and increase your field of view in WoW Classic Jerome Heath World of Warcraft WoW Classic Hardcore solo self-found mode:...
With their pet and Hunter's Mark, they can kill two shades after the curse wears off. Also, with their long range, they can stay away from Brainwashing Totems and easily switch between targets. Finally, they have an instant-cast DoT which allows them to cause a lot a damage when many ...
FOCUS UP! Weak Aura 进入论坛 复制WA字符串如何使用? 来源:Roedrik[原文链接] 分享到: 举报/投诉 相关文章: Essence-T20-6-HydraShot-v22017-07-11 21:11:06 T21-Antorus the Burning Throne2017-11-29 20:38:50 Temple of Kotmogu: Colors & Stacks2021-02-21 04:57:45...