WoW Classic Leveling Guide Horde Leveling Guide Alliance Leveling Guide Guide to Rested XP 1– 60 Grinding Guide Speedrunning Overview Druid Leveling Guide Hunter Leveling Guide Mage Leveling Guide Paladin Leveling Guide Priest Leveling Guide Rogue Leveling Guide Shaman Leveling Guide Warlock Leveling Guid...
a real timesaver in Classic, where herbing can fail; 5% increased health, a boon to tanks; +10 to Nature Resistance, which is useful (as noted above) in Ahn’Qiraj raids when they open
Patch 3.1.0 (2009-04-14): You can no longer fail when Mining, Herbing, and Skinning. Patch 3.0.8 (2009-01-20): Mining veins and deposits no longer require multiple hits to receive all the ore. Players will receive around the same amount of ore, stone, and gems they would have ...
Patch 3.1.0 (2009-04-14): You can no longer fail when Mining, Herbing, and Skinning. Patch 3.0.8 (2009-01-20): Mining veins and deposits no longer require multiple hits to receive all the ore. Players will receive around the same amount of ore, stone, and gems they would have ...
i make a lot of gold from herbing goldthorn and kingsblood on my server. i also make decent amounts from skinning heavy and thick leather. i sell heavy for 50s per stack, and thick for whatever the going rate it, which is about 2g per stack. at lvl 36 i had enough for my mount...
(me included) comes here and is looking for a ready to go macro. In most cases you get happy here with the macros. This really gets relevant when you want to even be remotely competitive. I myself never really played WoW because I simply can’t play without GSE(I played classic till...
OoCS does Retail and Classic while Rei discusses her experience being the PUG in a raid. Classic exploded, leaving Blizzard to make a few tweaks between capacity and a firm no to ClassicLFG add-on. #139: I Got it From My Daddy August 19th, 2019 The gang discusses spending money, Classic...