In the realm of WoW Classic, First Aid stands as one of the three vital secondary professions, alongside Fishing and Cooking. What’s great about secondary professions is that they complement your primary skills, like Herbalism or Alchemy, without any trade-offs. If you want a little less inf...
Once you hit 350 Herbalism, it is time to learn Grand Master Herbalist, which allows you to continue leveling up to 450. You can either talk to the trainer right after you get off the boat in Northrend or you can talk to Dorothy in Dalaran. The trainers who teach Grand Master Herbalist...
Classic First Aid Trainer Locations Alliance trainers: Shaina Fuller in Stormwind City. Dannelor at the Craftsmen's Terrace in Darnassus. Nissa Firestone near the Great Forge in Ironforge. Michelle Belle at Goldshire in Elwynn Forest. Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen at Theramore in Dustwallow Marsh. Byan...
WoW Classic Blacksmithing Trainer Locations Every Blacksmithing Trainers Location in WoW Classic, these Captial Cities are the main hub for most Races. Depending on which Race you start with you will likely end up in one of these Cities. OrgrimmarBlacksmithing Trainer Location Orc | Troll Thunder B...
Enchanting 1-300 Engineering 1-300 Engineering Specializations Herbalism 1-300 Leatherworking 1-300 Leatherworking Specializations Mining 1-300 Skinning 1-300 Tailoring 1-300 Cooking 1-300 First Aid 1-300 Fishing Fishing 1-300 Fishing Equipment Fish List & Loot Fishing Pools & Locations Raids...
Engineering 1-300 Engineering Specializations Herbalism 1-300 Leatherworking 1-300 Leatherworking Specializations Mining 1-300 Skinning 1-300 Tailoring 1-300 Cooking 1-300 First Aid 1-300 Fishing Fishing 1-300 Fishing Equipment Fish List & Loot Fishing Pools & Locations Raids Raids Overview...
WoW Classic Engineering Trainer Locations Every Major City Engineering Trainers Location in WoW Classic. Depending on which Race you choose you will likely end up in one of these Cities. OrgrimmarEngineering Trainer Location Orc | Troll Thunder BluffEngineering Trainer Location ...
N.B. from 360 onwards it gets tough to get recipes that will skill you up, as trainers won't teach you anything worthwhile. Everything that will skill you up past 360, is either a random drop pattern or a rep reward. The two best and cheapest ways are to get Scryers or Aldors rep...
While professions might slow you down during leveling, they are incredibly important at Level 60 and can be worth the time investment.Skinning,Mining, andHerbalismspecifically can be worth it, since you are traveling around the world anyway and can level them up as you go. Professions likeBlacks...
N.B. as is common with all the professions now, getting from 350 to 375 is a huge pain. Trainers dont teach anything worthwhile, so the only way to do it, is via random world drop patterns or rep rewards. I'll use rep reward patterns in this guide. ...