First Aid in WoW Classic: Your Lifeline in Azeroth In the realm of WoW Classic, First Aid stands as one of the three vital secondary professions, alongside Fishing and Cooking. What’s great about secondary professions is that they complement your primary skills, like Herbalism or Alchemy, wit...
Classic First Aid Trainer Locations Alliance trainers: Shaina Fuller in Stormwind City. Dannelor at the Craftsmen's Terrace in Darnassus. Nissa Firestone near the Great Forge in Ironforge. Michelle Belle at Goldshire in Elwynn Forest. Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen at Theramore in Dustwallow Marsh. Byan...
If you want Herbalism or Mining from the get-go you can run to Stormwind and train them, then use your HS back to Goldshire. Clean your bags and buy Skinning Knife. Go to Fargodeep mine and kill kobolds until you reach level 5. Run west to Stonefield farm, kill boars you meet. Ac...
I've tried to pick the cheapest, easiest and quickest recipes to make and where possible I've tried to stick to trainer only recipes. So get your ass to a cooking trainer and pick up the apprentice cooking skill. Once you've trained as an apprentice cook, you'll have 3 recipes to st...