WoW Classic I am feeling kind of the way I did with Burning Crusade Classic, that I have started to prove that my negative feelings forCataclysmback in the day were not wholly unwarranted. And we have six more months to go on this. Our group still has a dungeons to run. But logging ...
7. Do I need a questing addon to reach level 60? Using one is unnecessary, but a questing addon will speed things up, especially if you’re unfamiliar with vanilla WoW. The best choice, in this case, would be to use Questie, as it’s what most players on Classic servers use when ...
Beware: Questie kills the lore of the game a little bit, but if you are interested in level up to 60 as fast as possible – this is your chance.Azeroth Auto Pilot Azeroth AutoPilot Classic— Provides various features such as auto skipping cut scenes, auto talk to NPCs, auto pick up ...
How to install addons forWoW ClassicHardcore Players onWoW ClassicHardcore servers will want to make the most out of certain addons, as they can make the otherwise difficult game mode a bit easier to navigate. Addons like Questie, Plater Nameplates, and other staples of the game’s community...
Alright so long story short, I am fairly new to WoW and started in dragonflight. I recently have been drawn to classic and want to get into the hardcore scene, but in all honesty, I do not know too much. If anyone would …
New video released about Rested XP addon. Ever notice why blizzard never carried over their own questie into the game, still curious if blizzard will ever release RDF? Probably not because that would mean they lose their…
could always get that questing addon questie what ever its called Ragnbehemoth-sargeras August 26, 2019, 2:00am 7 We all plan on leveling as we can, no time requirement or anything and help each other along the way. We’ve all been out of the classic loop forever so its gonna be ...
How to install addons forWoW ClassicHardcore Players onWoW ClassicHardcore servers will want to make the most out of certain addons, as they can make the otherwise difficult game mode a bit easier to navigate. Addons like Questie, Plater Nameplates, and other staples of the game’s community...