Lastly, certain items induce pure threat each time their Debuff is set off, ex: Gift of Arthas.Threat ReducersInstall a threat tracking addon, ex: ThreatClassic 2, which will show the threat of your group/raid. Classes can reduce threat with items ex: Fetish of the Sand Reaver, with ...
Faerie Fire: Reduces armor by 505 for 40 sec. While active, the target cannot stealth or go invisible. Gift of Arthas: (From a potion typically used by the tank) Spell Vulnerability from Nightfall: (Increases the damage of Dragonbreath Chili & situationally: Arcane Shot)Phantom...
Gift of Arthas: This one is either going to be hard to get, or expensive. Either way, it’s a good one for when you think you’ll be attacked a bunch, but don’t have a Defense Elixir. Potions Lesser Stoneshield Potion: Pop this one when you get surrounded. It gives you an addi...
Gift of Arthas: This one is difficult to acquire, but anything that punishes people for attacking you is something a healer ought to consider. Potions Lesser Stoneshield Potion: If you can’t find a use for a 1000 extra armor for any length of time, go home. Invisibility Potion: Now you...
Prayer of Shadow Protection + 60 SR Gift of Arthas + 10 SR Crystal Basilisk Spine +10 SR Sayge’s Dark Fortune of Resistance +25 SR Mark of the Wild +20 SR / +27 SR Cumulative total of buffs = 207 SR The maximum possible is therefore: 485 SRThe theoretical target being 315 SR Note...
Items, ex: Gift of Arthas deal threat on each trigger. Ally Threat Items reduce threat, ex: Fetish of the Sand Reaver. Mage: Burning Soul. Shaman: Tranquil Air Totem. Rogue and Hunter wipe threat w/ Vanish & Feign Death and so can Flask of Petrification. Items prevent aggro: Limited ...
Gift of Arthas: Hard to come by and somewhat situational with respect to the resistance, but definitely worth the defensive proc. Being able to disease opponents is very useful in PvP. Elixir of Water Walking This one might only be useful when running away from something, but when you can ...
If you think about it, Dark Rangers would complete the trinity of "dark" classes based on iconic Warcraft characters, Arthas, Illidan and Sylvanas (unfortunately, imo) respectively. Actually, Nightborne do not believe in Elune. They just have astromancers among them. But, i wouldn't exclude ...
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[Gift of Arthas] now stacks to 20. Transmute: Arcanite no longer has a cooldown.Cooking[Broiled Bloodfin] now increases resistances to all schools of magic instead of increasing Stamina and Spirit. New recipes, [Charred Bear Kabobs] and [Juicy Bear Burgers], can be purchased from either ...