Main article: Cataclysm reputation rewardsSome of the reputations from Classic WoW have been redone. Championing tabards have been added for the main Alliance and Horde factions, from Quartermasters available in the main cities. Additionally, writs for reputation gain are accessible from the Molten ...
Fly to Gadgetzan, Run to Shimmering flats and turn in Zanzil’s Mixture and a Fool’s Stout, accept Get the Gnomes Drunk, turn in at the gnome standing nearby. Accept Report back to Fizzlebub and Gahz’rilla if you plan to do ZF. Run back to Gadgetzan. Turn in Tran’rek, accept ...
RewardsWhen the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj open on your server, new NPCs give quests for class specific weapons and armor. These include both Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Quest Loot and rewards from the Field Duty quest lines. Nighthaven offers many unique vendors, including a special Dress Master NPC. ...
This is a guide to obtaining the ‘T0.5 set‘, ‘Dungeon Set 2‘, or officially, ‘High Level Armor‘ upgrades in WoW Classic. These tier set revamps were originally introduced in patch 1.10 as a means of providing non-raiders with a challenging end-game goal. The quest lines are actua...
Gelkis Clan Centaur Guild Hydraxian Waterlords Magram Clan Centaur Ravenholdt Syndicate Thorium Brotherhood Timbermaw Hold Steamwheedle Cartel Booty Bay Everlook Gadgetzan Ratchet Removed Revantusk Trolls Shen'dralar Wildhammer Clan Zandalar Tribe Expand Alliance...
If however you plan to learn the recipe or sell it on the auction house, the rep just may be a nice bonus you can take into account for your reputation gains. Important NPCsLokhtos DarkbargainerLokhtos Darkbargainer is found in the Blackrock Depths bar. Turning in different items to him ...