The following classes are available in Classic, along with the roles that they can fill. 1.1. Tanks Feral Druid Tank PvE GuideProtection Paladin Tank PvE GuideWarrior Tank PvE Guide 1.2. Healers Restoration Druid PvE GuideHoly Paladin Healing PvE GuidePriest Healing PvE GuideRestoration Shaman Heali...
Classic Druid PvP Guide Foreword Druids are the jack of all trades, but master of none. This is especially true in WoW Classic PvP, but being "the master of none" is not necessarily a bad thing for a Druid. Druid's versatility and ability to adapt to any situation is what makes them...
Against Druids: If the Rogue can attack the Druid while he’s in humanoid form, he’s almost guaranteed to win. However, if the Druid saw the Rogue coming and cast some HoTs and switched to Bear Form, this is a whole other ball game. It then becomes a very technical and interesting ...
Feral druids are incredible levelers(second only to hunters), good dungeon tanks and decent raid damage with proper itemization. However, they also struggle a lot in regular PvP but have key roles in battlegrounds that they excel at. Such as flag carrying and base defending. Feral druids are...
This guide will aim to provide you with a clear skill and gear path to level 60 as Feral Druid DPS in WoW Classic Season of Discovery Phase 4. We will focus on talents, skills to buy and spell rotation, as well as leveling gear and the class specific quests you will find along the ...
Specifically as a Druid, one of the main struggles with the default interface will be managing and tracking the various resources and spells between forms, especially if you are playing a specialization like Feral that will be swapping forms frequently. This becomes especially apparent in PvP where...
Feral Druid Tank PvE GuideProtection Paladin Tank PvE GuideWarrior Tank PvE Guide Note that Shamans can also tank, but it is much harder to do and they are not a traditional tanking class. 3.2. Healers Healers are there to do as their name suggests, heal the party. They use their healing...
the panther is incredibly strong for rogues and feral druids and makes jewelcrafting a very strong profession to have purely for the added stealth level whereas the other decent trinket, the serpent can be a great trinket for casters who have mana issues due to the huge amount o...
PvE Feral Druid DPS PvE Balance Druid DPS PvE Feral Druid Tank Druid Macros Powershifting Rotation Hunter PvE Survival Hunter PvE Marksmanship Hunter PvE Beast Mastery Hunter Melee Hunter Guide Hunter Enchantments Rhok’delar Quest Guide Hunter Pets Best Hunter Pets How to Train Your Hunter Pet ...
The optimal stat priority of your Feral Druid Tank in WoW Classic's Season of Discovery for doing PvE content.