WoW Classic WoW Classic New Guild Listings TopicRepliesViewsActivity [SOD] Influx Of Renewed Interest - Anyone considering a Reroll Project? 1 137 October 17, 2024 [H][SoD][Crusader Strike] <Actually Trash> chill late-night crew still raidin’ & still recruitin’ 4 118 October 17, 202...
folks around here been asking for a tab for guild recruitment since last year, blizzard hasn’t gotten around to it, so we should do it ourselves. Here i will start to gather a list of ads on here i hope the rest of you help me out here. If you want to grind ...
Look, I’m short on my usual creativity today, so I’ll get straight to the point. Both guilds on the Alliance and Horde need a few more raiders on Grobbulus Classic Era! The alliance guild, Legacy, has spent from 2021 t…
Whitemane PVP Alliance <Immortals> Casual Guild WoW Classic New Guild Listings Probably a bit late to the recruitment party, but thought I would post this anyways to catch some people who have not signed up with another guild. This guild will be a casual raiding guild with some focus on ...
Place the files into your World of Warcraft/_classic_/Interface/Add-ons or C:\World of Warcraft\_classic_era_\Interface\AddOns folder. Log in to the game, click the Addons tab located in the bottom left corner of the screen. Make sure all addons are enabled. Otherwise, they won’t ...
a day one Alliance guild on the Uther server that cleared all Vanilla content, including Naxx prior to the release of The Burning Crusade expansion. A feat less than 200 guilds accomplished worldwide. Our officer core includes members from Vanilla, TBC, & WOTLK era of Ascendance which brings ...
We are actively recruiting all players, of any class, that are willing to put in the necessary time to perform at the level our guild expects. We care less about how long it is going to take for you to level to 60 or how much experience you have in the classic raids, and more abou... has long been the default tool for players and guilds. Its scoring system is displayed on the player’s profile and is linked to their in-game achievements in Mythic dungeons. is intended to provide a snapshot of a player’s ability, helping in guild recruitment and fo...
Gadgetzan has previously been mentioned in Hearthstone through two different goblin minions: the Gadgetzan Auctioneer from the classic set and the Gadgetzan Jouster from The Grand Tournament. As of 2017 there are no plans to recreate Gadgetzan in World of Warcraft to match the Hearthstone version...