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Shaman Tank guide. Shaman tanking, Rogue tank, Warlock tank and others are my forte. Being a Shaman Tank for 9 years, I decided to make a guide.
WotLK Shaman Guide – Ele (Level 80) Wrath Shaman Guide Rating: This guide is for an Elemental Shaman in PvE, a lot people think that Elemental Shamans are underpowered for Wrath of the Lich King. The guide is pretty much information gathered from across the web, to help players get the...
Elemental Shaman packs a solid punch and combines it with a great mixture of Healing and Utility spells (Rank 1 Earth Shock is the best interrupt in the game). In expert hands, Ele is a force to be reckoned with. Hunter is a king of Open World PvP, especially at lower levels, but ...
NFU玩家社区为魔兽怀旧服玩家制作的各阶段最好的60级BIS装备出处,以及武器附魔毕业搭配以帮助你准备团队副本。U19 U29 U39 U49 60级BIS装备 tbc bis WLK bis 分享大厅 1 (pre-raid) 2 (pre-raid) 2 3 4 5 6 职业专精如果您认为此BIS不对,请提交您认为正确的BIS装帮助改进发布BIS配装 >> ...
Of course I was on an Ele Shaman so I didn’t want it. Bearhands 10163 posts 16 Night Elf Druid 40 Jul 2020 Azzuree: Assuming your average dps warrior HS cancels. I can assure you a large % do not The consensus seems to be that hs cancelling is a marginal dps increase, if ...
NFU玩家社区为魔兽怀旧服玩家制作的各阶段最好的60级BIS装备出处,以及武器附魔毕业搭配以帮助你准备团队副本。U19 U29 U39 U49 60级BIS装备 tbc bis WLK bis 分享大厅 1 (pre-raid) 2 (pre-raid) 2 3 4 5 6 职业专精如果您认为此BIS不对,请提交您认为正确的BIS装帮助改进发布BIS配装 >> ...
魔兽世界怀旧服第一阶段萨满BIS装备参考(60级) NFU玩家社区为魔兽怀旧服玩家制作的各阶段最好的60级BIS装备出处,以及武器附魔毕业搭配以帮助你准备团队副本。
魔兽世界怀旧服第六阶段萨满BIS装备参考(60级) NFU玩家社区为魔兽怀旧服玩家制作的各阶段最好的60级BIS装备出处,以及武器附魔毕业搭配以帮助你准备团队副本。
魔兽世界怀旧服U49萨满BIS装备参考(40-49级) NFU玩家社区为魔兽怀旧服玩家提供各职业U49BIS装备出处,以及武器附魔毕业搭配以参考。 U19U29U39U4960级BIS装备tbc bisWLK bis分享大厅 首选备选1备选2 阵营 职业 专精 如果您认为此BIS不对,请提交您认为正确的BIS装帮助改进发布BIS配装 >>...