Hello and welcome to our 1-60 horde leveling guide for WoW Classic! There are multiple ways to level up in Azeroth, but this guide will make things simple for you. The quests and grinding sessions included are sequenced to get you to level 60 as fast as
As you most likely know, there are 9 Classes in WoW Classic, which means no Death Knights, no Monks, and no Demon Hunters. Two of these classes are Faction-locked - Paladins are Alliance only, and only Horde Players can create a Shaman. Each of the Classes has its own flavor and a ...
As Horde, the earliest dungeon that you will have access to is Ragefire Chasm. You should wait until about Level 11 to start this, meaning you will need to quest to level until then. At Level 11, you can farm the first half of the dungeon, but you will want to wait until 13 to ...
Iron Horde, Dark Horde Location Northern Azeroth PvP status Contested territory The Burning Steppes are located north of the Redridge Mountains and south of the Searing Gorge. As such, they hold the only accessible land passage from the kingdom of Stormwind in the south to Khaz Modan and Lorda...
<Rare Goods>On the main path leading into Duskwood (from Redridge)Lesser Mana Potion Healing Potion Bliztik <Alchemy Supplies>Up in the house at Raven Hill, DuskwoodLesser Healing Potion Lesser Mana Potion Healing Potion Vendor-Tron 1000Patrols in DesolaceGreater Healing Potion ...
Zeppelins provide free transportation for the Horde. These airships can travel greater distances, including across The Great Sea between the continents. Tip:When in doubt as to which zeppelin travels to which location, you can ask the Zeppelin Master. Both the Orgrimmar and Undercity zeppelin to...
The goblin in moonbrook sells rage potion recipes, there are 2 goblins in duskwood, the one on raven hill sells shadow oil recipes and the one on the road north out of duskwood sells goblin jumper cables. All of these recipes sell for 200- 1000% profit in the auction house. ...
Yet when the curse fell over Duskwood and turned the once peaceful woodland into a realm of terror, the spiders began to mutate and grow to monstrous proportions, and entered the shadowed land.[5] Elwynn Forest was captured by the Horde during their bloody campaign to Stormwind in the ...
*Same route as above (for Alliance) or do circuits of Twilight Grove in Duskwood. *Also for Alliance, just wander north to south in Darkshore for loads of Briarthorn. *The eastern side of Loch Modan is also a great place for Briarthorn. ...
Though unable to trust the Horde for all that they've done, in light of Sylvanas Windrunner's defection, he was open to the idea of peace. However, should the Horde sound the drums of war once more, he vowed the Bronzebeard clan shall put them in their place.[36] ...