but it’s not the classic community… it’s a bunch of retail players waiting for the next dang expansion 1 Reply 3 Nopales <The Secret Mookmen> 307 posts 60 Orc Shaman 0 Argentia Aug 2024 Stop paying your subscription if you don’t like I’ve been telling you this since day 1 ...
Classic Castbars Enables enemy cast bars, very valuable for knowing when and what to interrupt. Onebag3 I would strongly recommend having a bag addon to be able to sort your bags and bank easier and saving time when selling stuff to vendors etc. OmniCC Add timers on your debuffs on targe...
I have the right to make mistakes, and most likely forget to add your guild here so please post it in the thread for me so i may add it to the OP Yo, With classic a month away i’m going to go dig up on the forums for all the guild threads, folks around here been asking for...
“Magic is the art of circumventing the normal. [...] The stars march in order across the sky, the seasons fall one after the other with lockstepped regularity, and men and women live and die. If that does not happen, it's magic, the first warping of the
En route, he was abducted by the Defias who had been told of his diplomatic trip through a spy rumored to live within the Kingdom of Stormwind itself. Rumors circulated that he was taken to Alcaz Island and was held captive there. These rumors were true, yet they were also false, for ...
Here are today’s hotfixes for Shadowlands and Wrath Classic: SEPTEMBER 13, 2022 Dungeons and Raids Fated Raids The following NPC’s will no longer be afflicted by Fated Infusion: Protoform Barrier: Castle Nathria: Stone Legion Generals General Draven and Prince Renathal Sepulcher of the...
Little did she know, but Saurfang hesitated, feeling his actions were without honor, and in the moment, Tyrande Whisperwind arrived to spirit the archdruid away. When Saurfang returned without Malfurion's head, Sylvanas felt as if their entire point of the mission had failed, for now the ...
En route, he was abducted by the Defias who had been told of his diplomatic trip through a spy rumored to live within the Kingdom of Stormwind itself. Rumors circulated that he was taken to Alcaz Island and was held captive there. These rumors were true, yet they were also false, for ...
Duskwood, originally called Brightwood,[1] is a fiefdom of the Kingdom of Stormwind located in the southern-central part of Azeroth, south of Elwynn Forest, east of Westfall, west of Deadwind Pass, and north of Stranglethorn Vale. Beneath the eve
For now, the system will be very forgiving about creating matchups in order to keep queue times low. However, the parameters will be adjusted as necessary when more organized teams become active in the battlegrounds.ClassesDruidsThe Druid Epic Flight Form is now available through a series of ...