[怀旧服]ManaBar in Druid Form (WoW Classic)HUD当前评分: 99,999.9功能说明 更新日志 历史版本 安装说明 1000 50 最后更新:2023-12-08 01:11 插件大小:1.84kb 最新版本号:DruidFormManaBar 插件来源:curseforge 插件作者:Ezillo 下载排行榜 MORE 1 Deadly Boss Mods (DBM):首领警报核心 DBM首领警报主模块...
Classic TBC WotLK Cataclysm Retail Icon News Season of Discovery Classes Leveling Professions Raids Guides Tools DPS Rankings STAGE(description here) 1 (pre-raid)2 (pre-raid)23456 CLASS SPECIALIZATION ItemSlot Wolfshead HelmHead NeckNeck Truestrike ShouldersShoulder ...
After Archimonde's defeat, the Druids chose to remain in the waking world and help to rebuild their shattered lands. The Legion's attack left a terrible scar on the natural order, and the Druids seek to heal it.Classic Class Overviews 1 Druid Class Overview 2 Hunter Class Overview 3 ...
WoW Classic Druid Macros Contents Author: Pippina Date: September 30, 2019 Updated: December 10, 2020 Expansion: WoW Classic I never used macros back in the original game, but I kept hearing about how useful they were. So this time around I learned what can be done with macros, and ...
I’m definitely gonna heal ( I am a druid main for like 18 years but kinda wanna try something new but idk.) Is a resto shaman build decent for pvp does that work like restokin? Never seen one of those. Want something notable about shamans. Dellesta-ashkandi November 22, 2024, 3:...
Faerie Fire (Feral) is a talented Feral version of Faerie Fire that can be cast in Cat and Bear form. It debuffs the target, lowering their armor and making them unable to go invisible or stealth while active. Leader of the Pack is the final talent in the feral tree that passively buf...
Classes in WoW Classic Whether you want to deal damage, soak hits for your allies, or keep your friends alive, there’s a class available for you. Here’s what you can choose from. Druid –A shapeshifting class capable of fulfilling any role by quite literally turning into an animal. Hun...
Druid Runes How to Use the Idol of the Heckler Hunter Runes Mage Runes How to Decipher Mage Scrolls Scroll of Geomancy Scroll of Spatial Mending Paladin Runes Priest Runes How to Get Priest Meditations Where to Find the Prophecy of a Desecrated Citadel Rogue Runes Shaman Runes Warlock Run...
Classic Druid Leveling Guide Survival Hunter Leveling Classic Rogue Leveling Guide Fury Warrior Leveling Enhancement Shaman Leveling Destruction Warlock Leveling RECENT FORUM POSTS Mage macro's Latency Issue of Wow! WoW foreign language Fire mage bug??
Druids are shape-shifters with an affinity for the plants and animal kingdoms. Druids can specialize in healing, casting spells at range, or taking the form of a cat or bear to fight in melee.Classic guideDruids call upon the versatility of nature to empower themselves, assuming the forms...