Let’s take a look at everything you need to know to play Destruction Warlock in TBC Classic. 1. Destruction Warlock PvE talent build The Destruction Warlock build is a simple one, you want to take all of the relevant damage increasing talents from Destruction, then move into the Demo...
If you were looking for TBC Classic content, please refer to our TBC Classic Warlock guides: TBC Classic Affliction Warlock guide; TBC Classic Demonology Warlock guide; TBC Classic Destruction Warlock guide. Pages in this Guide 1Introduction2Spell Summary3Builds and Talents4Rotation, Cooldowns, and...
Demonology Warlock DPS Talents and Runes Destruction Warlock DPS Gear and Best in Slot LATEST NEWS Tier 1 and Partial Tier 2 Tokens Coming to the Tarnished Undermine Real Vendor in Season of Discovery Naxxramas PTR Testing: January 17-20 WoW Classic: 20th Anniversary Edition Phase 2 Now Li...
The Destruction talent to get above all others for a melee warlock. It comes at a heavy cost, a Soul Shard and 10 useless talents, but the damage increase is worth it. Improved Lash of Pain / Improved Firebolt ★★★ If you’re the type of person that wants to build for multiple dem...
because i originally made this guide for level 80 destruction warlocks. Please note that these are my suggestion and you may spend the talent points else where and use varieties or rotation. I use this rotation on my level 80 Warlock and get up to 10,200 critical, I hope it helps :D....
You’re probably just doing it wrong, the very fact you don’t use DC while leveling kind of indicates you don’t actually know or understand optimal rotation in the first place. I’ve done it and other people have done it, which is where i got my information from, so the most likel...
Guide to Leveling a Warlock in WotLK Now we’ll walk you through the leveling process step by step! Level 1-9 Rotation:Starting out, you’ll only have one damaging spell:Shadow Bolt. As you learn new spells, here is the rotation you’ll use: ...
9. Destruction Warlock (B Tier) Performance: Slightly behind Affliction in static fights, lags in AoE Utility: Shadow and Flame buff (not unique to spec) Verdict: Playable Destruction Warlocks are less common, and according to sources like Icy Veins, they lag slightly behind Affliction...
Destruction Warlock DPS Warlock Tank Warrior Builds Warrior Abilities & Talents Arms Warrior DPS Fury Warrior DPS Prot Warrior Tank SoD Phase 7 Overview New Profession Crafted Items Tarnished Undermine Real Currency Epic Items Gla’sir & Raelar Kestrel & Peregrine Staff of Order, Inferno, & Ri...
facebook tweet Cast sequence for Destruction Warlock opener as of patch 5.3. Should cast: Curse of the Elements, Immolate, Conflagrate x2, Incinerate x4, Chaos Bolt x2, Immolate, Conflagrate, Incinerate x5. author: Helgor, Malygos US...