Be cautious when heading north, as the Alliance camp is at the northernmost point of the Stonetalon Mountains Levels 20 – 30 Although brand new zones become available at this point, your best bet might still be The Barrens since it’s safe and loaded with quests. ...
Whether you're taking a casual approach to leveling in WoW Classic, or seeking to follow this madman who hit level 60 in less than a week on from release, it's worth knowing when you can access your desired spots. Below we've put together a simple breakdown of each major zone in the...
Grind ogres to 6500XP (or 12k~ if u did elite quests) from 38. This is a long grind but it’s necessary for the continuing quest route to work. You could also do SM now if you did Down the Scarlet path in Desolace earlier. There is a rare Ogre that spawns in one of the caves...
The successor to the Alliance of Lordaeron, the Classic Alliance is a coalition of mutual economic and military aid between the Humans of Stormwind, the Night Elves of Darnassus, the Dwarves of Khaz Modan, and the Gnomes of Gnomeregan. The might of the Alliance is legendary, and its desire ...
Alliance Balthus Stoneflayer— Ironforge (40,32) Maris Granger— Stormwind City (68,49) Eladriel— Darnassus (30,52) Helene Peltskinner— Elwynn Forest (46,62) Radnaal Maneweaver— Teldrassil (42,50) Jayla— Ashenvale (50,67) Wilma Ranthal— Redridge Mountains (89,71) ...
Alliance also get similiar quests for lockpicking as compared to the Horde. The thieves training area this time for the guide is by Atler Mill northeast of Lakeshire. You can stay at these chests until about 100 lockpicking skill but you can leave at 85 if you want and move onto the ne...
Onyxia's Lair has one of the longest attunement quests in Classic, with two separate questlines for the two factions. This page contains the Horde attunement questline, but if you play Alliance, you can take a look at ourAlliance attunement guide for Onyxia's Lair. ...
Additionally, representatives of the Circle in Desolace offer quests for Maraudon. Expedition into Outland Upon the reopening of the Dark Portal to Draenor/Outland, the Cenarion Circle dispatched an expeditionary force - joint night elf/tauren, much like the Circle itself - to explore the ...
The Burning Crusade is a part of Blizzard's Classic-WoW mission called TBC classic. The purpose is to let you play older versions, and is an official alternative toWoW Private Servers. But TBC was back in the days - as well as on fanservers, running on a2.4.3 TBC Client. ...
This can also be said about The Stockade, a dungeon located in Stormwind, an Alliance hub city. While this is a higher level dungeon than Ragefire Chasm, as a Horde player, you probably don’t want to drop into Stormwind for the same reasons stated above. ...