level. It increase the damage and healing your spells will do. Be aware that major cities will not have every class trainer, such as Undercity not having a Druid trainer. Talk to the guards in the cities to see if your class trainer is in that city or if you need directions to ...
Jocaste— Darnassus Kaerbrus— Felwood Olmin Burningbeard— Ironforge Regnus Thundergranite— Ironforge Thorfin Stoneshield— Stormwind City Thorgas Grimson— Dun Morogh Ulfir Ironbeard— Stormwind City 5. Hunter Guides for World of Warcraft: Classic ...
150 reputation with Darnassus Pick one of: Mourning Shawl Lancer Boots You can find Heralath Fallowbrook lying on the ground in the area near the final boss, Charlga Razorflank. He wants you to find Treshala's Pendant, which has a chance to drop from any quilboar mob in the dungeon...
Here comes the official Survival Guide for WoW Classic by Blizzard which is intended for new players and provides useful information about the games minimum requirements, realm types, character creation, starting locations, capital cities, professions, r
Here comes the third official Classic city tour, after Stormwind and Orgrimmar got their spot in the sun, its time for Ironforge to get its turn... well, not exactly in the sun, but still. You can also check out the way to get around Azeroth as a whole r
Eight Classic WoW's Races and their Factions Alliance The successor to the Alliance of Lordaeron, the Classic Alliance is a coalition of mutual economic and military aid between the Humans of Stormwind, the Night Elves of Darnassus, the Dwarves of Khaz Modan, and the Gnomes of Gnomeregan. The...
Walk up to a guard in any of these major cities below and ask where the Cooking trainer is located. Horde:Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff, Silvermoon City, Undercity Alliance:Stormwind, Ironforge, Darnassus, The Exodar After you ask the guard, the trainer will be marked with a red mark on your...
Mathiel in Darnassus has finally earned himself enough money from your repair bills that he was able to buy himself an anvil.QuestsThe ravasaur trainer Mor'vek has returned to Un'Goro and will offer to help Horde players raise and train a Venomhide Ravasaur as a mount... if they can...
Tyrande Whisperwind traveled to Stormwind City to help the Alliance leadership plan the war, leaving only Malfurion Stormrage and his skeleton crew of night elf defenders for the Horde to contend with. This primed the Horde's campaign for their true objective: the conquering of Darnassus. ...
Rut'theran Village is connected to Darnassus by a portal. Players can also reach Rut'theran Village by boat from Stormwind or Valaar's Berth. This is also the only way for Horde players below level 60 to get to the island by themselves. One can attempt swimming from Darkshore using ...