You’ll also find some Solid Chests here as well that can be found in the most southwestern corner of the map. Northern Barrens The Barrens Southern Barrens Darkshore Darkshore is another zone that is home to two types of Battered Chests, but is also a zone that lacks abundant ...
WoW Cataclysm Classicwill go live on May 20, Blizzard has confirmed. The pre-patch for the expansion will launch a few weeks earlier on April 30. When the pre-patch goes live, the landscape of Azeroth will change to reflect Deathwing’s destruction across the world, and many of the new ...
Classic mapsMap of Azeroth from Warcraft: Orcs & Humans. A map from Warcraft II. A map from Warcraft II: The Dark Saga. A map from Warcraft III. The pre-release Town Hall world map.[1] A fan map of the early stages of World of Warcraft. A map of Azeroth during the ...
Darkshore contains no dungeons of any type and no battlegrounds, but a warfront takes place here. It contains two Alliance travel hubs: the night elf village Lor'danel at the north and the Grove of the Ancients at the south. Maps and subregionsMap of Darkshore in Battle for Azeroth during ...
All Dark Rider locations inWoW ClassicSeason of Discovery You can see all the Dark Rider locations marked on the map in the gallery above. Alternatively, use theTomTom addonand paste in the following commands to create waypoints for yourself. ...
23-24 Darkshore 24-24 Ashenvale 24-27 Wetlands 28-29 Duskwood 30-30 Wetlands 30-30 Ashenvale 30-31 Wetlands 31-32 Hillsbrad Foothills 32-32 Arathi Highlands 32-33 Stranglethorn Vale 33-34 Shimmering Flats 36-37 Stranglethorn Vale 37-37 Alterac Mountains 37-38 Arathi Highlands 38-39 Dustwal...
Night Elves & Worgen – Darkshore– Darnassus isn’t great for mining so you have to come to Darkshore to level it up. Darkshore is a huge zone, there are nodes scattered all off to each side of this route. The southern half is higher level range so do half circles of the route if...
Darkshore [10-20]: Highborne ghosts and Blackwood camps around Ameth’aran, south of Auberdine. Grell and sprites in Bashal’aran. Dun Morogh [1-10]: Frostmane trolls near Brewnall Village and Rockjaw Bonesnappers east of Gol’bolar Quarry. Elwynn Forest [1-10]: Kobolds in Fargodeep an...
Fairly large area that could be expanded into a zone that could stretch from Darkshore all the way to Azshara North-west Stonetalon. Once again a coastal zone, but there's enough space there to expand into something The area around the Steam Pools. Just a single random objective rare NPC ...
Night ElfTeldrassil (1-10)Darkshore (10-20) DwarfandGnomeDun Morogh (1-10)Loch Modan (10-20) HumanElwynn Forest (1-10)Westfall (10-20) OrcandTrollDurotar (1-10)Barrens (10-25) TaurenMulgore (1-10)Barrens (10-25) UndeadTrisfal Glades (1-10)Silverpine Forest (10-20) ...