if you like the idea of striking from the shadows, assassinating targets with pin-point precision and slipping away into the night, you might enjoy playing arogueor a feraldruid. On the other hand, if you like being in the middle of the fray, charging into battle and tearing...
Players who have completed the quest “The Gordok Ogre Suit” can now acquire the recipe for the Gordok Ogre Suit if their Classic Tailoring or Leatherworking skill is at least 275 by speaking with Knot Thimblejack inside of Dire Maul. Blacksmithing The legacy plans for Truesilver Champion,...
Jin'do the Hexxer is a jungle troll witch doctor boss inside Zul'Gurub. He is not considered a High Priest and does not give Hakkar the Soulflayer any specific abilities; however, many players consider him the hardest boss inside Zul'Gurub.