1,下载WCL官方软件并完成安装(可在官方首页登陆后下载或在下方链接中下载),安装完成后按照指示登陆。 若之前没有上传经验,则需要手动在游戏中打开”高级战斗日志“功能,同时删除\World of Warcraft\_classic_\Logs文件夹下的WoWCombatLog.txt文件,确保日志中没有无效部分。 2,游戏中打开高级战斗 3,利用插件打开log...
Once Advanced Combat Logging is enabled, all you have to do to start logging is type /combatlog in-game. This is an in-game toggle that makes the game write all the combat events in a file called WoWCombatLog.txt. This file can be found in the Logs folder in your WoW folder. You...
Have you ever asked what is a parse or what is a ranking on Warcraft Logs? This article goes through the various terminology and most common questions about ranking and parsing. Please either reach out to us on support@warcraftlogs.com or join our Discord if you have any questions! Rankings...
Combat Logging in Ulduar As always with a new progress tier, we highly recommend you use multiple loggers for your raid to have a higher chance of capturing combat logs. We will not be able to verify progress or kills without working combat logs. Learn how to log in ourGetting Startedart...
WoWAnalyzer Improve your performance with personal feedback and stats. Just enter the link of aWarcraft Logsreport below. Report Character Guild Analyze New stuff More news?Follow @WoWAnalyzer Devastation Evoker updated at 3/3/2025 by Vollmer...
How to Use Warcraft Logs Molten Core (MC) Molten Core Attunement Molten Core Loot Onyxia’s Lair Blackwing Lair (BWL) Zul’Gurub (ZG) Raid Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj (AQ20) Temple of Ahn’Qiraj (AQ40) Naxxramas Azuregos Lord Kazzak Thunderaan Dragons of Nightmare Guides Hardcore Beginner Get...
Advanced Interface Options Classic This addonallows you to change a lot of UI options that are normally hidden, such as Floating Combat Text customization options, mouse wheel chat scrolling, the displaying of Lua errors, among other options. ...
Go ahead and look at the logs. Compare Ret Paladin, Balance/Feral Druid, Shadow Priest, and Enhance/Elemental Shaman are all kind of in the same realm. Hunters, Warlocks, and Frost Mages are ahead by maybe thirty to fourty at most. Then you have Rogues and Fire Mages doing more than ...
Full replay to help you see exactly what happened during combat. Improve from watching high MMR anonymized reports from the community. Want to climb up in arena? We've built a nice tool to help you improve! from r/wow Visit the WoW Arena Logs site for more information. 1 Quote Sh...
"LogBagChanges" Should bag changes logs enabled for. true true "Loot" Should loot the mob true true "Skin" Should skin the mob true false "Herb" Should herb the mob true false "Mine" Should mine the mob true false "Salvage" Should salvage the mob true false "UseMount" Should use moun...