WoW Classic Discuss WoW Classic and give feedback for our Petopia Classic sites, including Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King. 109 Topics 712 Posts Last post Re: "Best" Pet for certain ro… by kerbloowey Sat Feb 22, 2025 3:09 am Show & Tell Relate your epic tames and sho...
When my source is comments and discussions on various forum website or even just in game in various chat channels, its not exactly easy for me to just whip you up a link. If anything you shouldn’t even need a source if you’ve kept up on any of this throughout the years, because...
Read Scott’s Insider’s Guide to Classic Japan. Check Wendy’s pricing tip. Contact Scott Read Trip Reviews Korea Maybe a friend’s just back from Seoul and is raving about the city’s energy and her culinary finds. Or your interest has been piqued by Korea’s influence on global cultur...
WoW ClassicWoW Classic Hardcore Kurokoneko-defias-pillagerDecember 17, 2024, 2:48am1 Hi all. I play a lock and get spammed with whispers asking me to summon characters for a tip. I am SF and as such would like to suggest some form of SF denotation in chat so the person that is whis...
Messages sent to chat channels are no longer being aggressively throttled Resolved multiple issues with the “stickiness” and feel of floating combat text, particularly when multiple critical strikes occur in a short time frame Players can no longer dramatically increase the display distance of namepla...
Advanced Interface Options Classic This addonallows you to change a lot of UI options that are normally hidden, such as Floating Combat Text customization options, mouse wheel chat scrolling, the displaying of Lua errors, among other options. ...
classic game and it's not clear which features from the modern UI are coming along for the ride to yesteryear. Hopefully, we won't have to stand in Stormwind spamming chat channels to find groups, but the LFG tool didn't get implemented until Wrath of the Lich King, two ...
WoW Classic addon out of date 5 yelsgnikr 1 GFN - General Chat Nvidia, let me be clear with you, it's not Genshin/HSR's fault. 1 srtwilek11 0 GFN - General Chat NVidia NOW is a SCAM??? 2 TayonaYoso 3 GFN - General Chat Games offline for maintenance 9 Mattmoles 25 GFN...
CChatNotifier A WoW Classic addon that can be used to filter chat for custom keywords. It will then notify you whenever it finds them in chat messages. This is my minimalistic idea of a "LFG" addon. I don't want to look at chat 24/7 but also don't want to miss relevant messages...
t too much of a slog. We all tend to rush to an MMO level cap under the assumption that the best is yet to come. And while that may be true, there’s a lot of fun experiences, wacky chat channels, and wonderful sights and sounds to take in along the way. You won’t have fun...