英文名:Boat to Auberdine复制 这个对象能在以下地区找到:湿地(1). 建议:点击地图缩放 隐藏固定隐藏固定 相关 相同模型(59) 相同模型(59) 名称 地点 类型 中文:Boat to Theramore 英文:Boat to Theramore 湿地其他 中文:丹加洛克 英文:Dun Garok 希尔斯布莱德丘陵其他 ...
My name is Judgement and I am a Classic WoW enthusiast. I have been playing WoW since Vanilla and in the most recent years I have been spending a lot of time playing Vanilla WoW private servers. After Classic was announced I started to work on leveling r
You have to take the boat from Darkshore with means fighting through Auberdine. Once on the boat kill any Alliance players. Make sure everyone is at the Rut'theran Village before running up to the portal into Darnassus. Once inside run up to the Temple of the Moon, it is to the ...
Brann Bronzebeard arrived in Darkshore by boat from Menethil Harbor, to work his way from the top of Kalimdor down, and thus Auberdine was a better option than Theramore. Darkshore was the first he had seen of Kalimdor and was impressed. It was just at the beginning of spring when he ...
584 Transport176231 Transport: Menethil to Theramore 2.x 585 Sunwell5ManFix Magisters' Terrace Dungeon 2.x 586 Transport181645 Transport: Exodar to Auberdine 2.x 587 Transport177233 Transport: Feathermoon Ferry 2.x 588 Transport176310 Transport: Menethil to Auberdine 2.x ...
Rut'theran Village –half destroyed; boat to Stormwind City sails from here Shadowglen –target dummies and mailbox added Other – both Denalan and Rellian Greenspyre appear to exist in two places at once – where the Skinning/LW trainers are there is a place where both of them are togeth...
There are two different boats serving the Alliance located in Darkshore. One of these travels to Rut’theran in Teldrassil and is your way out of the night elf starting area and into Kalimodor. The other boat goes to Menethil Harbor in the Eastern Kingdoms. ...
Captain Placeholder was originally created purely as a temporary measure in the beta version of the game, allowing players to instantly teleport from Menethil Harbor to Auberdine, when some of the boat paths had yet to be implemented. His counterpart, Ca
An additional Alliance boat in Menethil Harbor travels to Theramore Isle in Kalimdor. For those on a PvP realm, this boat might be your safest option to reach The Barrens. Flight Paths Unlike boats, zeppelins, and the Deeprun Tram, you’ll need to pay for travel when you use a flight ...