Opening the Gauntlet Gate triggers The Baron’s Ultimatum, a 45-minute timer after which he will kill his prisoner. This is only significant if you’re working on the quest to acquire the Tier 0.5 dungeon set. A set of portcullis gates blocks Slaughter Square, where the last two bosses ...
When is MMO Champ going to post the article of the guy that was fired from Blizzard (WoW Classic Dev) for refusing to give an employee a low evaluation rating because Blizzard wants a curve/low to curb bonuses? Oh... forgot Chode or w/e his name is on their payroll. He was no...
Heroic strike canceling is making a macro to cancel your heroic strikes before your swing timer for your main hand finishes, so you get the increased hit for your offhand swing. It sounds great on paper, however in practice, you mess it up, due to human error and changing swing times vi...,Recorded US English voice lines for DeadlyBossMods,mainline,984591,rNkPRl6a,,True+792790754,sharedmedia-battlebrisket-vo,BattleBrisket/sharedmedia-battlebrisket-vo,https://github
not scare players who weren't around during the glorious Vanilla days. To, at least partially, prepare you for the Classic World of Warcraft experience we will describe some of the biggest differences, and point out currently confirmed changes between the upcoming Classic, and the 2004's ...
Tidal Charmallows you to instantly stun an enemy for 3 seconds. It has a 50% drop chance fromPrince Nazjak, who spawns around 25,84 in Arathi Highlands. Due to his very high respawn timer it might be hard to get this trinket, but the stun it provides is a life saver and duel winne...
Frenzied Maexxna can land 5k melees on the upper end on a geared warrior tank, with a 1s swing timer. If she crits you, then you get parried and she hits you again in 0.4 seconds you’re dead. Guardians of Icecrown on Kel’Thuzad hit for 5-6k with blood tap, which can crit. Sap...
Everyone in WoW Cataclysm Classic can benefit from Blacksmithing. Blacksmithing takes a lot of materials to level, but it certainly is worth it. Whether there’s a lock that an Obsidium Skeleton Key could pick, a piece of gear you could really use, or a socket you wish you had, Blacksmith...
Timer data in the 2nd comment 0 Reply Largid 5 years ago I’m actually very surprised you don’t mention Eskhandar’s Right Claw as a weapon in gear list.I suppose its proc has a very good synergy with RB, ...
The Blood Moon Blackfathom Deeps Raid Raid Loot Guide Baron Aquanis Ghamoo-ra Lady Sarevess Gelihast Lorgus Jett Twilight Lord Kelris Aku’mai Save Your World Buffs (Chronoboon Displacer) How to Get the Black Murloc Egg Sunken Temple (20) Raid Atal’alarion Festering Rotslime Dreamscythe...