60 Blood Elf Warlock22250 Radalpho May 2024 I think the problem isnt their game their rules. More its against the rules and they dont do anything about it. Which doesnt mean its not against the rules it just means its not enforced. If they want to not have it be against the rules I...
Gwennedl <KILL EM ALL> 6652 posts 21 Blood Elf Paladin 0 Oct 2022 Delbard: But - if you’re seriously here arguing that a vastly accelerated and meaningless levelling experience was not one of the major factors leading to the call for WoW classic, then I don’t know what to tell ...
Cataclysm Classic Blood Queen Lana’thel should now Vampiric Bite more consistently. Kadrak now allows players to complete “To the Rescue!” even when Brutusk is busy. Fixing an issue where sacks of oatmeal were not interactable during the “Keepin’ the Haggis Flowin’” quest. Fixed an is...
WoW Classic Guides WoW Skinning Leveling Guide 1-600Let’s face it, Skinning can be tedious and take a lot of time to level. Every time you stop to skin a mob you lose time that could have been spent leveling or doing something more productive. If you’re primarily skinning in order ...
Sanledish 302 posts 60 Blood Elf Warlock 22250 Apr 2024 Problem is the makers of this addon are in a discord with the devs and anyone against these sorts of things are not. So that tells you who they listen to straight off the top. So it is a pointless thing. They in essence have...
Shaloranis 413 posts 10 Blood Elf Paladin 50 Jun 2024 Mayle: Funny how it is always the english speakers the ones that want everyone else to speak their language instead of trying to learn a new one. no we just want to be able to comunicate with the people we play with. America is...
Kåssandra 18 posts 120 Blood Elf Demon Hunter 3100 Jul 2019 Man you seems like such a good asset to any guilds that I hope you find one that suits you. When classic launches I plan on making one on ally with a focus on raiding for the players that are new or didn’t get a ...
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I mean…Blood Elves proved you don’t need to have an actual connection to The Light to wield it. I figured they could do Forsaken Paladins, where you wake up and are tasked with raiding one of the Scarlet Crusade’s holdings in Tirisfal Glades for a libram that’ll act as the ‘anch...
Shaloranis 413 posts 10 Blood Elf Paladin 50 Jun 2024 if you’re not going to add anything constructive, can you please stop trolling the post!!! all your doing is constantly trying to derail the topic of discussion here otherwise known as being a TROLL!!! 1 Reply ...