Introducing the next possible Hero Class, the Necromancer! This is a revamp of my old concept. Not only was it updated visually, but I also reconstructed many of the specs from scratch, updating new spells, talents, pets, mechanics, and play-styles. I mo
And Blood Magic is about vampirism, not healing. It would probably allow the Necromancer to sustain himself, but healing others is a really disgusting idea. Also, DKs are considered as undead lorewise, thus it's okay if they can "heal" themselves with their Death magic. DK (especially Bloo...
This means all abilities, rotations, resource and resource generation mechanics, cooldowns, stats, talents; every system that pertains to combat; has to fit carefully into the homogenized system we have right now. They tried something completely new with DK's and Monks, and we see that none of...
With the release of my Bard Class concept, I wanted to add a little bit of an update to my Necromancer by adding PvP talents and a Class Icon/Color page. A tad bit late on replying to these posts but here it goes! Originally Posted by crakerjack Man you really went all out and...
If Blizz takes away ALL of the "boring" talents, then what do you think is going to be left? You're going to be left with one single option for "best dps" talents. It will be the only choice because they will have removed all of the other choices. The only choices left will be...
These are talents i often see DK’s taking that are useless Bloodworms often new tanks will put points in here even though this is a pvp talent. Currently this is bugged so the worms dont heal you . But even if it did work properly they heal for such a small amount as to make it...
So Necromancers may use similar powers and themes to a DK, but lore-wise they are much more open to exploring different types of Necromancy. They're not exclusively using the Scourge-style Death magic. Blood Trolls draw their power from G'huun and Void users from the the Dark Star, i ...
Death knight talents can bolster their defensive abilities by focusing on their ability to heal themselves, increase their damage and spell attacks, or summon forth minions and diseases by making use of their runes: Blood death knights are dark guardians who manipulate and corrupt life energy to ...
DK's cover Arthas, not Kel'thuzad. Then, where does Frost come from? It does have some Death Knight abilities referenced in its HotS talents, like Hungering Cold and Deathchill. You can't really expect a Lich class, since it is a race (and an unplayable one at that). So you're ...