Neretzek, The Blood DrinkerTwo-Handed Axe Shard of the Fallen StarTrinket 5. Weapons in Temple of Ahn'Qiraj 5.1. Main-Hand Weapons ItemSlotDrop Sharpened Silithid FemurMain-HandViscidus Silithid ClawMain-HandBattleguard Sartura Scepter of the False ProphetMain-HandC'Thun ...
In Season of Discovery, players will be rewarded with new and improved loot with improved stats compared to their previous, older version. Check out all of the loot available in this raid down below. 2. Attunement for Onyxia's Lair You can find out how to become attuned to Onyxia's Lair...
Hi All Will be forming and recruiting for WoW Classic currently looking for any and all willing Horde who wish to Join our blizzard group invite is ( usuall blizzard link /invite/zjvDgLOsNng ) Every Single Guild Recruitment Ad Goes Here...
Dire Maul East Wing The East Wing is known as Warpwood Quarter and is held by a group of satyrs lead by Alzzin the Wildshaper. His power has caused the local nature to lose control and the area is teeming with crazed elementals, satyrs, and demons that are all out for blood. Dire ...
Curse of Blood Fear Heal Power Word: Shield Sleep High Inquisitor Fairbanksis a Level 40 elite undead and is an optional boss in the dungeon. He is extremely easy to kill, but has terrible loot. You can skip him if you prefer.
A significant part of the archetype of Anti-Paladins is spreading diseases and the WoW DK has that in spades. The WoW DK is an armored Necromancer you say? Well, no, not really. They have minions in one spec of the class, and the other specs are themed on Frost and Blood. You're ...
put out a macro on a spec that is not what they are used to. Using myself as an example. I was asked to make a Unholy macro. I do not main an unholy. My 60 DK has been blood since he was reborn. But I attempted to make a macro for the spec anyways. I personally said on ...
yes blizard say we are going to increase for exemple hunger for blood by 5%. But that just makes it hard to figure out wich rotation too use. instead of spell 'x' does 'y' damage why not make it spell 'x' does 'y%' of bosses health. there fore it makes it easier for 'casuals...
new bug kind of the EPL blood of heroes are lootable the WPL blood of heroes are not or its just a huge coincidence for me… either way its odd