此插件的数据来源有两个,自己可以切换,操作如下:按小地图旁的按键,出来一排图标,找到Bis-Tooltip的图标,右键点按,就出来下图所示界面: 在红圈里面的下箭头点击,就出来一个列表,两项内容,一个是wowhead的数据源,一个是wowtbc的数据源,两个网站排的BIS列表是不一样的,根据自己的喜爱选择就行了。
Loon Best in Slot addon for WOW Cata Classic Features Wowhead BIS guides integrated in game Toggleable minimap button and tooltip integration Tooltip integration that shows item status in bis lists Fully functional loot browser that allows filtering by class / spec / phase / slot / source / raid...
Cool thing is that by leaving #showtooltip without any spell afterwards, the macro is smart enough to display the tooltip of the spell it would cast based on your form. So you can even see the details of the version you’re about to use if you want. This also allows you to cast ...
BIS提示 Fizzle 装备耐久度品质着色 ESC-界面-插件 Fuckyou 反和谐敏感字 GatherMate2 采集助手 ESC-界面-插件 Gladdy 竞技场助手 Grid2 团队框架 GTFO 站位提醒 ESC-界面-插件 GuildColors 彩色人名版 ItemTooltipProfessionIcons 物品用途提示 ESC-界面-插件 Leatrix...
A WOW (Classic BBC) addon shows the BIS info on the gear tooltip, and check the list on a browser. Features ToolTip Information Gear List Browser Type /bb or /ybm in the chat window to open the browser. Data Source The BIS data was migrated from ExoLink_BIS @俏俏作品, and now it ...
classic,mainline,wrath",1009923,96doJENO,,True+843970133,BigWigs_Dragonflight,BigWigsMods/BigWigs_Dragonflight,https://github.com/BigWigsMods/BigWigs_Dragonflight,A collection of BigWigs modules from the Dragonflight era.,mainline,1086065,mNwQpeKo,,True+317051702,PetBattleLogKeeper,bloerwald/Pet...
Classic Mage Guide Rating: This in-depth Vanilla WoW Mage Guide contains Talents, Consumables, Stat Priority, Pre-raid gear, Enchants, and everything else you will need as an aspiring mage! Talents For 5-man instances and 20-man raids, my preferred spec is the max DPS Fire build: Fire...
Literally says on the tooltip causes 3 damage to all attackers. Probably another TBC change that snuck it’s way in Dauntless-medivh October 9, 2019, 1:43pm 147 Ravid: Using cancelform macros for shifting, so I can say go from cat straight to bear without canceling cat first, causes pr...
魔兽世界名将1年前装备BIS插件BiS-Tooltip 00:00 / 01:52 连播 清屏 智能 倍速 点赞47 车长不二9月前魔兽世界探索plus物品掉落与查询插件atlaslootclassic-sod 00:00 / 01:16 连播 清屏 智能 倍速 点赞10 魔兽世界名将1年前SenderInfo插件,进组看装等的插件 00:00 / 00:23 连播 清屏 智能 倍速 点赞88...
怀旧服插件分享---装备排名插件-BiS-Tooltip #魔兽世界怀旧服 #巫妖王之怒 #发现江夏 00:00 / 01:47 连播 清屏 智能 倍速 点赞168 魔兽大帝6月前别再花钱买插件,插件WA安装,一次讲清楚。 没收钱,纯分享,建议大家用新手盒子,因为露露大佬每次最先更新的都是新手盒子。#魔兽世界怀旧服 #插件 #WA字符串 #...