To the southwest, there is a cavern that containsArgent Guard Thaelrid, where Alliance players can turn in a quest and both factions can pick up one. To continue the dungeon, head to the cave to the south and follow the tunnel until you come to a forked section with multiple possible ...
Try to map out what zones you’ll use to quest in advance. Every zone has different leveled monsters, and you always want ones that are around your level. You’ll also want to make sure your faction has plenty of quests there. The last thing you’d want is to cross several zones to...
Guidelimeis an addon that easily allows you to follow a written leveling guide online, complete with quest objective tracking and an arrow pointing towards your next location, as well as World Map notes on what your next steps are and their location. ...
地狱火堡垒与我们持续交战着。我们坚守到现在,却还是不能对他们发动一场真正的攻击。为了达成那个目标,我们需要前线的集结本地。 我们的斥候在地狱火堡垒附近发现三个要塞。我们要你去帮忙保卫这些防御工事。你的努力会为你赢得我们的印记;把这些印记带来给我,提供你的协助,你就会赢得我们的好感。 去吧,<名字>。多...
Auto-accepts and auto-turn-in quests for you. FastQuest Classic by arith. Alternative to MonkeyQuest, Quest-I-On, etc. but smaller and faster. FCRaid by proberts. Helps master looters collect interest on items and distribute them. Fishing Buddy...
Point arrow towards objective (requiresTomTom addon) You can see party members quest progress on the tooltip. Show tooltips on map notes and quest NPCs/objects. Holding Shift while hovering over a map icon displays more information, like quest XP. ...
It is extremely important to have this addon as we will be using the Hamstring Method to level to 60.While the bar is loading to full it means you can move freely, you are not wasting any damage. As it starts to fill back up this signals that your auto attack cooldown has almost ...
6.0.2 autoLootRate 150 Game Character Rate in milliseconds to tick auto loot 9.0.1 AutoPushSpellToActionBar 1 Game Character Determines if spells are automatically pushed to the Action Bar. 0: No, 1: Yes (default). 4.x autoQuestPopUps Game Character Saves current pop-ups for quests ...
When collecting crafting orders, the items move to my bag but I'm left with lots of messages that just tell me how much I paid in commission and who did the crafting. (For me, it's the alt fulfilling a quest.) It would be nice if I could quickly delete all of those. ...
cd C:\WowClassicGrindBot dotnet build -c Release 5. BlazorServer Configuration process The app reads the game state using small blocks of color shown at the top of the screen by an Addon. This needs to be configured. Edit the batch script in C:\WowClassicGrindBot\BlazorServer called run...