Level 50 Ancient Evil (Scourgebane)The quest started at either Champion Bachi in Silvermoon City or Champion Cyssa Dawnrose in Undercity, who sent you to the Bulwark to meet with Mehlar Dawnblade. Once there, you were directed to prove your hatred by taking vengeance on the Scourge. ...
概要 等级: 56 要求等级: 49 阵营:联盟 开始:艾雷 结束:凯尼斯·静风 任务难度:4952545967 任务前提 净化! Purified! 相关联的信息 截图 WowheadWowhead 英文名:Ancient Spirit复制 任务需求 帮助艾雷到达安全处 任务描述 任务奖励 任务返回 任务完成
–20.5 DPS – Lvl 14 – Dungeon Quest Reward “The Defias Brotherhood” The Deadmines. Merciless Axe –21.1 DPS – Lvl 26 – BoE Green Sold by Vendors in Darnassus, Deadwind Pass. Emil’s Brand –21.6 DPS – Lvl 25 – Quest Reward from “Insane Druids” Ashenvale. Ancient War Sword...
Gains Upon completion of this quest you will gain: 3750 experience Screecher SpiritsThe Prophecy of Mosh'aruThe Ancient EggThe God HakkarThe Lost Tablets of Mosh'aruThe Final TabletsConfront Yeh'kinyaThe Hand of RastakhanComments (0) Screenshots (0) Comments There's no data for this se...
Ancient Greaves 39 Feet Rare Drop (0.05%) Goblin Nutcracker 39 One-Hand Rare Drop (0.08%) Aegis of the Scarlet Commander 39 Off Hand Scarlet MonasteryScarlet Commander Mograine (42.94%) Talvash's Enhancing Necklace 39 Neck Quest (A)Restoring the Necklace Brigade Gauntlets 39 Hands Rare Drop ...
Bcause things will change in the pre-patch, then a lot of the different quests that you could usually do in original Classic will no longer be doable. Some quests will still be, but the quest rewards will also change. In Stranglethorn Vale, there’s a Level 45 rare NPC called Scale Be...
Spy Classic: Tracks nearby enemy players, alerting you to potential PvP threats. Best Leveling and Questing Addons in WoW Classic Questie: A powerful quest helper that improves the questing experience with map markers, objectives, and other quality-of-life features. What’s Training?: Displays av...
InWorld of Warcraft ClassicSeason of Discovery phase two, Uldaman is a difficult, high-level dungeon with the gear to match. Whether it be from general mob drops, bosses, or quests, there is plenty of loot to find in Uldaman. Recommended Videos ...
Raids require you to complete long attunement Quest Chains- You can't just enter a Raid. The right of entry must be earned first, by the completion of a special, and very long, quest chain. Each of the Classic Raids has its own attunement quest chain. ...
Spirit of the Kaldorei health reduced by 20% on Mythic difficulty. Darnassian Ancient health reduced by 20% on Mythic difficulty. The Heart of Amirdrassil now begins stage two with 60% health remaining. Reduced the number of Corrupted Seeds created from 2 to 1. Temple of Ahn’Qiraj The...