Players often find themselves forced to make rather challenging split-second decisions in every RPG (Role-Playing Game) in the gaming market. One such harsh instance is when you have to balance out every available option to create the best character possible. You either have the option to make...
What is it about playing rogue that turns people into such massive piles of shit? byinclassicwow “There were two Rogues in Un’Goro Crater encampment last night for four consecutive hours. Saturday night and these dudes are sitting there camping level 50s to the point I couldn’t turn i...
There’s a case to be made that Durotar, theWoW Classicstarting zone for Orcs and Trolls, is the most famous starting zone in the game—even more so than the historic Elwynn Forest. More players have trekked through Durotar than probably any other zone in the game, whether they...
Hey Everyone- Looking for a guild to play with on classic. I started playing wow during BC and never experienced classic. I would like to join a fun, very active guild that will raid after 6pm pst. Looking to play frost mage or lock. PVP, PVE, Alliance, Horde, doesnt matter to me....
All players with active World of Warcraft subscriptions or game time on their accounts have access to WoW Classic at no additional cost. Open the desktop app and select World of Warcraft from the menu. Under the Version menu, select World of Warcraft Classic. If you have more tha...
If you’re looking for the latest guides, tips, news, and updates for WoW Expansion Classic, PlayerAuctions will have it. We put out all the highest quality content for WoW Expansion Classic in one place.
Welcome to our dungeon guide for WoW Classic! Azeroth is home to more than 20 combined dungeons and raids, all of which offer some exciting and useful loot on your journey to level 60 and beyond. Every dungeon has level requirements, but you’ll always n
Players will need to learn Riding in order to use a mount in Classic. Unlike with the other professions, you cannot level this up via training, but instead will learn Apprentice and Journeyman Riding for a set amount of gold. Post hotfix just before Phase 2 launch, mount costs inSeason of...
The launch ofWorld of Warcraft Classicmay have been a wee bit chaotic, but a handful of players have decided to bring some order to the world. A tip of the hat to those gamers of all ages who know how to politely wait their turn....
The Classic playerbase generally flocks to whatever is the most popular and active thing. Right now it’s Season of Discovery. All the other game modes are mostly dead. So making a commitment to TBC Era servers would see an initial surge, probably far smaller than the original TBC pack, an...