This AddOn for Classic WoW (v. 1.13) adds an additional circular action bar that normally remains hidden but can be summoned by a click of a (mouse) button. The RingMenu is hence ideal for storing away action buttons that are frequently used yet need not be present on the screen at all...
Download an addon of your choice from any site; Extract the downloaded archive (.zip, .rar); Place the files into your World of Warcraft/_classic_/Interface/Add-ons or C:\World of Warcraft\_classic_era_\Interface\AddOns folder. Log in to the game, click the Addons tab located in the...
Version: 2.1.8-classic by:Vampyr78[More] This has started as a set of macros that would have portal on left click and teleport on right click but I've run out of action bar and macro slots. So I've made an addon for that.
ClassicPowerText by cralor. Shows your current value of power (Mana, Energy, Focus, Rage, Runic Power). ClassicUI by millanzarreta. Restores the classic interface, including relocating the action bars, bag buttons, small interface buttons, as well as reputation and XP bars. clcInfo by abija...
Whenever you learn new portal spell you might experience slight delay for addon to add the spells on your bars. If you use addons like Bartender or Dominos you might not want to use bars 9 and 10 since there is only 120 action slots to use and those spells had to go somewhere and ...
Toolbar to hide the configuration gui either via the Key Binding, the Addon Configuration page, or the Red X on the Toolbar - It is also possible to drag commands from the Button Forge Toolbar onto Button Forge bars, this is advisable for the Button Forge Configuration button - Pretty ...
Now I only need to know how to fix the arrows and pagenumber on actionbar 1. HI, have not played this game in a very along time but I always appreciated this app along with DBM. But I was curious, is your newest update for for wow classic coming out soon? The current ...
Quartz: A modular approach to a casting bar addon. DID YOU KNOW? If you want to get level 85 quickly, the easy way is to buy fast Cataclysm boost from a reliable site. bUY CATA CLASSIC BOOSTING FROM MMOGAH These addons can help you keep track of important information, from managing ...
Bananabar is an old addon, updated to run in WOW Classic BananaBar -Target any units by clicking on the symbol. This is the suite of Raid Symbols Classic - Addons - World of Warcraft - CurseForge The new release includes Healthbar on the side of the symbol target ...
of Warcraft Classic that enhances the questing experience by providing valuable information and assistance to players. It is particularly useful during the Season of Discovery, where new content and challenges are introduced. Here are the key features of the Questie addon for the Season of...