Expansion: WoW Classic About Me I’m Caperfin. This culminates years of work. If you have questions, see my Livestream. Intro Can Shamans tank in WoW? The short and to the point answer is, yes. You might be rubbing your eyes in disbelief of this answer. Perhaps conjuring a ten page...
Welcome to our feral druid DPS guide for WoW Classic! If you want to play as a kitty and use your claws to slash your foes apart, a feral DPS druid is the choice for you! Feral druids play most like a rogue, using energy to build combo points, then…
1 agi = 1.15 ap .012% crit 1 ap = 1ap 1 stam = .3 ap 1 int = 1 ap 15 mana Haste High Value. First of all, you will want to be aiming to have: 10% Haste What this will do, is it will get yourSteady Shotcast time to be at 1.5 seconds, allowing you to maximize your ...
Was wondering if I was off based focusing on the cloak, glad to know it’s just more to add to the dumpster fire. Äpathy: And no Wardens really aren’t a thing either. Wouldn’t hate it if they were but then again this is wrath not SoD lmao. 1 Reply 1...
I can’t begin to tell you how many times I’ve seen AGI enchants on gloves or Spirit on bracers. Enchants:Head: Hoodoo Hex (18sp/10stam) > Arcanum of Focus (9sp)Shoulder: Zandalar Signet of Mojo (18sp)Back: Enchant Cloak – Greater Resistance (+5 resist all)Chest: Greater Stats(...
Classic Rogue Guide Rating: When grouped with others, the Rogue is considered to be the DPS Machine. In other words, you are there to kill stuff. Occasionally you sap mobs or scout around in stealth mode, but for the most part, you are there to deal a world of hurt to your enemies...