chathelp - Displays a list of commonly used chat commands. ckick - Kicks a user from a user-created chat channel. emote - Perform an emote with the given text. dnd - Marks you as "Do Not Disturb". guild - Sends a chat message to your guild. join - Joins or creates a user-create...
A crashing bug involving chat channel commands has been fixed. A problem involving window focus and foreground/background status has been fixed. Movie recording feature has had some user interface improvements.Bug fixesLeaving a group while in an instance will now port you to the nearest graveyard...
/ignore name - Toggle ignoring the named unit /inspect - Inspect your target /invite [name] - Invite your target or the named unit to your group /join name - Join (or create) the named chat channel /leave name - Leave the named chat channel /logout - Sit down and logout /ffa - ...
/cinvite, /chatinvite—— 邀请一个玩家到一个频道去 /join, /channel, /chan—— 加入一个频道 /kick—— 将一个玩家从一个频道里踢出去 /leave, /chatleave, /chatexit [channel]—— 离开一个频道(或者所有频道) /mod, /moderator, /unmod, /unmoderator—— 改变一个玩家的主持人状态 /moderate—...
Slash Commands: /xanchat social -- toggles the chat social buttons (ON/OFF) /xanchat scroll -- toggles the chat scroll buttons (ON/OFF) /xanchat shortnames -- toggles channel short names (ON/OFF) /xanchat editbox -- toggles the edit box to show (TOP/BOTTOM) ...
1.发送消息 1.1 SendChatMessage("message","system","language","channel") 作用:发送一条聊天消息参数: "message":要发送的消息 "system":聊天消息想要发送的类型,可使用: "SAY":说 "WHISPER":密语,必须在参数"channel"中指明密语对象的名字,可配合函数UnitName("unit")使用 "CHANNEL":频道,必须在参数"...
/chat (/chathelp) 列出聊天指令。 /join 频道 [密码] (/chan, /channel) 加入(或者创建)一个特殊聊天频道。 /leave 频道|# (/chatleave, /chatexit) 离开这个特殊聊天频道,或者离开指定号码的聊天频道。 /# 文字 (/c, /csay) 在聊天频道内说话,#表示所要说话的频道号码。 /announcements 频道|# (/...
1.发送消息 1.1 SendChatMessage("message","system","language","channel") 作用:发送一条聊天消息参数: "message":要发送的消息 "system":聊天消息想要发送的类型,可使用: "SAY":说 "WHISPER":密语,必须在参数"channel"中指明密语对象的名字,可配合函数UnitName("unit")使用 "CHANNEL":频道,必须在参数"...
Group Aware: Sends facts to the most appropriate chat channel: INSTANCE_CHAT for random dungeon/raid groups. RAID for raid groups. PARTY for regular party groups. Triggered Events The addon delivers a random fact during the following game events: Boss Kill (BOSS_KILL): When you or your gro...
Set in game keybind for "mama alltogether" so you can trigger both follow me and make leader in 1 key/addon message. (and the other commands too) Add/click MamaAssistin front of your macro to assist whoever you are leading with. ...