.ticket on|off|#num|$character_name 显示或者关闭指定角色的标记。 demorph .demorph 取消变形效果。 die .die 杀死目标,如果没目标则杀死自己。 listgm .listggm 显示在线GM列表。 gm .gm #on/off 开户或关闭<GM>前缀。 hover .hover #flag 允许或禁止悬空。1:悬空,0:落地。
- Player logs out and into another character - Edge case: they need to send over mats so they log back in and continue the dungeon - Log out indefinitely Improve death recording - Register cause of death - Register encounter at time of death (boss/trash) with timestamp GUI - Add opt...
Create app icon. Improve character lookup speed when using proxy. Instead of getting all JSON data via proxy, just the OAuth Token needed. [DONE] Change database from Realm to ObjectBox. ObjectBox has the distinct advantage that I can modify the structure of the database without having to wr...
The config-cache.wtf files are used for character and WoW account-specific settings. They are synchronized to the server if the synchronizeConfig CVar is enabled (by default). World of Warcraft\_retail_\WTF\Account\<AccountName>\<Server>\<Character>\config-cache.wtf World of Warcraft\_retail...
header('Location: '. WoW::GetWoWPath() .'/wow/'. WoW_Locale::GetLocale() .'/character/'. trim($fast_access[1]) . trim($fast_access[0]) .'/');exit; } } WoW_Search::SetSearchQuery($searchQuery);// Perform SearchWoW_Search::PerformSearch();// Set active pageif(isset($_GET...
想把所有地图任务过一遍…但做任务等级升得快,所以请问有没有自定义等级的命令,比如想去27-32等级的地图做任务,但人物35级了怎么降低等级 分享83 逍遥魔兽吧 香蕉扒了皮🐵 新人求助,用了gm指令学习所有技能和天赋没用啊,会提示select character xxxxx一串英文就没了,另外我用指令刷出了霜之哀伤,为啥带上打怪...
.lookupskill $name 通过 $name 查找技能, 返回符合要求的技能ID. .addmove $guid 添加你当前的位置为 Guid=$guid 生物的路径点 .npcflag $flag 设置你所选择的 NPCFLAG 为 $flag .turnobject $gid 设置 GameObject $gid 的朝向为你所面对的方向 .allowmove 是否允许你所选择的生物移动 .anim $mid 玩家将...
(23059292, false); return false;"> ', $character_url, WoW_Locale::GetString('template_profile_caption'), WoW_Locale::GetString('template_profile_caption'), $character_search_url, WoW_Locale::GetString('template_blog_lookup_forum_messages'), WoW_Locale::GetString('template_blog_add_to_bla...
命令前边的数字表示最小几级GM(PLevel)可以使用 数字后边的字母表示该命令在游戏中所适用的目标(鼠标点中):t=所有目标 n=NPC p=玩家 s=刷怪点 g=物件 信息显示命令:0 .HELP [command] - 显示所有命令列表或者具体某一命令的用法 0 .WHERE - 显示地图map、区域zone的编号,以及座标...