魔兽世界10.0战士技能英文中文繁中翻译,国服关闭后很多玩家选择去外服重新开始,很多玩家们在玩战士的时候都不知道技能是什么了吧,快跟小编一起来看看吧。 魔兽世界战士技能英文中文对照表
Dracthyr Evoker new class with two specializations: ranged DPS called Devastation and healer called Preservation; New Vault of the Incarnates raid with 8 bosses; New 8 Dungeons and Fresh Season; New Talent System where you pick talents for your class and specialization separately. ...
Class Level Boost PackageBundle PackagesSunken TempleNightmare IncursionsEmerald Wardens ReputationDarkmoon Faire DecksProfession Leveling (225-300)Profession Leveling (1-300)Profession Leveling (150-225)Professions Leveling (1-225)Blood Moon CurrencyPvP Rank BoostHonor Points BoostAshenvale BoostWarsong Gulc...
Champion's Decree 勇士敕令 勇士的敕令 Change Facing 改变朝向 轉向 Change Facing, Left 改变朝向,左 轉向,左方 Charge 冲锋 衝鋒 Charge Root 冲锋定身 衝鋒定身 Cheat Death 逃脱死亡 死亡謊言 Cleave 顺劈斩 順劈斬 Clubbed 棒击 棍擊 Cold Steel, Hot Blood 寒光热血 白刃進,紅刃出 Collateral Da...
Destruction Warlock gets a 10% buff to its Chaos Bolt damage. Affliction Warlock, on the other hand, gets a fairly substantial rework that will change a lot of how the specialization is played. Shadow Priest gets a slight nerf to its Void Bolt with the damage buff provided by the Dissonant...
5. Please do not forget to change your account password after we have completed your order. Why Buy WoW SoD Boost WoW Season of Discovery is a new and experimental mode in WoW Classic that offers a fresh and challenging way to play the game. ...
Some Runes even completely change what roles you can take on in a raid, such as a Rogue Tank or a Mage Healer. These Runes add additional interchangeability to your specialization and your role in raids or PvP. With the ability to change them anytime you are out of combat, you are ...
Remember you can always leave or delete a character if that class turns out to be not for you, or if you change your mind about your character's name or race. Do remember though that classes develop significantly on their way to max level: there's really no way to know what it's ...
There is no Dual Talent Specialization- If you want to change your specialization, you have to reset your Talent Points, and that costs A LOT of gold. This is why most Players pick a spec and stick to it for the rest of the game. Only the Richest Players can afford to reset their ...