This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.The Stormpike clan mobilizes from Alterac Valley to assail the Horde forces in Hillsbrad Foothills, setting up in areas around the entry way into the valley. Vanndar Stormpike and Captain Balinda Stonehearth come out from Alterac Valley several ...
Cataclysm: Hungover pizza (you eat it knowing it's good, but due to being hungover you cant feel any taste) Reply With Quote 2011-01-30, 08:29 PM #42 GennGreymane Banned Join Date Apr 2010 Location Wokeville mah dood Posts 45,475 im going...
During the Cataclysm, the Twilight's Hammer deployed its own vindicator zealots. The Zandalari prelates are Zandalari troll paladins who worship the loa Rezan. Some joined Zul's campaign in Pandaria, but most stayed in Dazar'alor serving the empire. Code...
10 Troll Druid80 Dirtypawz Feb 2022 Hello, i’m mooni from germany. I mainly play on Blackrock EU as a balance druid. i’m playing WoW since 2007 and started as a total newbie to MMOs. I was first only interested in raiding. So i always tryed to improve myself to get better and...
Paladin mechanics partially changed in Cataclysm. You still use mana for various things, but now have aHoly Power(HP) systemin additionto mana. HP works somewhat like the Rogue’sCombo Pointsin that you build up to three HP points using abilities such asCrusader Strike or Holy Shockand then...