Druid PvE Resto Druid Healing PvE Feral Druid DPS PvE Balance Druid DPS PvE Feral Druid Tank Druid Macros Powershifting Rotation Hunter PvE Survival Hunter PvE Marksmanship Hunter PvE Beast Mastery Hunter Melee Hunter Guide Hunter Enchantments Rhok’delar Quest Guide Hunter Pets Best Hunter Pets...
iLevel >= 278 Int > 0 Resil = 0 Stat Weighting: Wowhead default Resto Druid w/ Epic Gems & Reforge items checked Listing format: Item (Wowhead link) – iLevel – Zone – Source (quest / boss / etc.) Head: Cowl of Rebellion– 346 – The Deadmines (H) – Vanessa VanCleef Willowy...
Druid PvE Resto Druid Healing PvE Feral Druid DPS PvE Balance Druid DPS PvE Feral Druid Tank Druid Macros Powershifting Rotation Hunter PvE Survival Hunter PvE Marksmanship Hunter PvE Beast Mastery Hunter Melee Hunter Guide Hunter Enchantments Rhok’delar Quest Guide Hunter Pets Best Hunter Pets...
Druid PvE Resto Druid Healing PvE Feral Druid DPS PvE Balance Druid DPS PvE Feral Druid Tank Druid Macros Powershifting Rotation Hunter PvE Survival Hunter PvE Marksmanship Hunter PvE Beast Mastery Hunter Melee Hunter Guide Hunter Enchantments Rhok’delar Quest Guide Hunter Pets Best Hunter Pets...
Druid Talents Hunter Talents Mage Talents Paladin Talents Priest Talents Rogue Talents Shaman Talents Warlock Talents Warrior Talents Best in Slot Druid BiS Feral Tank BiS Feral DPS BiS Resto Healing BiS Balance DPS BiS Hunter BiS Mage BiS Paladin BiS Holy BiS Retribution DPS BiS Prot Tanking ...
Besides Frost Mage I’ve mained at various points: Ret, Prot Pally, Havoc, Marks, Resto Druid, Guardian, Frost DK, and Unholy DK with Ret being my current key pushing toon. I’m primarily known for my Pally and DH. Other than PVE I’m an altoholic with all but one profession fully...
Blizzard already released seven of them: The Burning Crusade, The Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm, Mists of Pandaria, Warlords of Draenor, Legion and finally Battle for Azeroth. There’s also plenty of new content coming out in the regular updates. The patch 8.2 - Rise of Azshara ...
Cataclysm 3/3 Molten skin 3/3 Aftermath 2/2 Ruin 5/5 Destructive reach 2/2 Intensity 2/2 Backlash 3/3 Improved Immolate 3/3 Devastation 1/1 Nether Protection 3/3 Ember storm 5/5 Conflagrate 1/1 Soul leech 3/3 Shadow and flame 5/5 ...
PvE Resto Druid Healing PvE Feral Druid DPS PvE Balance Druid DPS PvE Feral Druid Tank Druid Macros Powershifting Rotation Hunter PvE Survival Hunter PvE Marksmanship Hunter PvE Beast Mastery Hunter Melee Hunter Guide Hunter Enchantments Rhok’delar Quest Guide Hunter Pets Best Hunter Pets How to...
Druid PvE Resto Druid Healing PvE Feral Druid DPS PvE Balance Druid DPS PvE Feral Druid Tank Druid Macros Powershifting Rotation Hunter PvE Survival Hunter PvE Marksmanship Hunter PvE Beast Mastery Hunter Melee Hunter Guide Hunter Enchantments Rhok’delar Quest Guide Hunter Pets Best Hunter Pets...