WoW Cataclysm Update - WoW Cataclysm Classic Get ready to revisit a changed Azeroth as World of Warcraft Classic unleashes the Cataclysm Classic expansion on May 20th, 2024. This fiery update rewinds time to when the ancient dragon Deathwing shattered the world, dramatically transforming the familiar...
Main article: Cataclysm reputation rewardsSome of the reputations from Classic WoW have been redone. Championing tabards have been added for the main Alliance and Horde factions, from Quartermasters available in the main cities. Additionally, writs for reputation gain are accessible from the Molten ...
Biggest WoW private server with more 45 000 ppl online on 12 realms - Rates from x1 to Fun - Support Classic, Wotlk, Cataclysm, Mists of Pandaria and Legio...More 0 English 539116628 #5 Legion Plus Server BASIC INFORMATION Opening date: January 2, 2025, 18:00 (MSK)Rates: x1Server type...
City Quartermasters, with rep tabards«12» Replies:37 Views: 16,748 Arrowstormen 2010-11-22,04:40 PM Last chance for ZG mounts«123» Replies:55 Views: 4,750 Fuck Blizzard 2010-11-22,04:27 PM Everyone who kept saying it was the 23rd - get in here!«12» ...
Tracks group and raid achievements for the WotLK and Cataclysm expansions. RaidComp by CommandoXXX, arthiceu. Scans the players in the raid and calculates which raid-buffs are present in the raid and which are not. RaidID by omegasnow. Tracks your Raid IDs across all characters on a realm...
There’s also the fact that the guild had reached its level cap. I think I mentioned guild levels once before. They’re a concept that came in withCataclysm. Various activities, including just completing quests, give experience to the guild as a whole. As a guild levels up, its members ...
Click this blog to read the 1st set of patch notes, some interesting class and guild rep changes That’s right, folks. Development on the first major content patch for World of Warcraft: Cataclysm is well underway! We’re currently making preparations to bring some of the initial content and...
Where is the cataclysm cutscene? « 1 2 3 ... 11 » Replies: 219 Views: 26,263 chuck123 2010-11-24, 12:52 AM Patch 4.0.3a Size Replies: 1 Views: 1,234 Khainos 2010-11-24, 12:51 AM Pre cata quests? Replies: 0 Views: 775 steelgut 2010-11-24, 12:45 AM ...