Salutations, my fellow Tankmates!!! Cataclysm is almost upon us! And I can imagine that, after leveling to 85, my fellow tanks and I want to steamroll through the Heroic Dungeons as fast as possible to get to the delicious epicz! As I have read and heared around the interwebs, the ...
This is an exporter written to quickly export your character to for simulations for Cataclysm and SoD
6.1.0 🛡️ daltonize 1 Graphics Attempt to correct for color blindness (set colorblindSimulator to type of colorblindness) DamageCalculator 0 6.2.0 dangerousShipyardMissionWarningAlreadyShown 0 Game Character Boolean indicating whether the shipyard's dangerous mission warning has been shown 8.0...
First of all, let's focus on the melee DPS rankings for WoW Classic Cataclysm. This particular list is based on raid performance, the likelihood of a class being brought to a raid, overall performance in an average raid, and what unique benefits each class can bring to the tab...
I found this simulator on youtube maybe it can help someone : Last edited by pepito -33 Reply Zygor Leveling Guides Recent News Mists of Pandaria Remix Hotfixes for May 28: Rebalancing for Gulp Frogs Cataclysm Classic Hotfixes for May 28: Twin Peaks Battlegro...
The divisive WoW Cataclysm is finally coming to WoW Classic, and Blizzard has shared a launch date and full roadmap to tell you when. Reid McCarter Published: 3 days ago World of Warcraft World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic, the expansion that fans of Blizzard’s massively popular and inf...
I’ve been playing since July, 2006.I have never let my subscription lapse. I have taken a couple breaks. One was during the Cataclysm expansion, right when Dragonsoul came out. I was burned out from raiding, and my current guild had become a pit of drama thanks to yet another couple...
Cataclysm Resto Druid Pre-Raid Gear Guide This is just a quick cheat sheet for pre-raid resto gear. I left out any BOE gear that requires raid level mats (Chaos Orbs, I’m looking at you). This will include reputation vendor items where appropriate along with the required rep level....
7. How long have you /played, and has that been continuous? I’ve been playing since July, 2006.I have never let my subscription lapse. I have taken a couple breaks. One was during the Cataclysm expansion, right when Dragonsoul came out. I was burned out from raiding, and my current...