Salutations, my fellow Tankmates!!! Cataclysm is almost upon us! And I can imagine that, after leveling to 85, my fellow tanks and I want to steamroll through the Heroic Dungeons as fast as possible to get to the delicious epicz! As I have read and heared around the interwebs, the ...
Blood Tank - Forum resources Protons 01-25-1311:12 PM byTylerdurdens 920,581 Addons for human Mage moon_river 12-14-1203:08 AM byPhanx 114,815 Holy Paladin Spell Issue? Ither 10-02-1206:07 PM byIther 620,902 Must have add ons for a rogue ...
Nope. It fights with Dual Wielding in melee, or dropping AoE's where they stand while they tank. I mean even the Frost Mage has more to do with a Lich than a DK does. That's why it even got a Skeletal Form in Covenants. I mean look a Kel'thuzad's gameplay as a Lich in ...
Cataclysm pre-Heroic Plate Tank Gearguide(1) Death Knight(7) Druid(5) Hunter(5) Mage(6) Paladin(5) Priest(1) Rogue(4) Warlock(3) Warrior(2) WoW-Pro 2.2.2 Leveling, Dailies, Professions, WorldEvents, and Achievements Release Notes(1) ...
4.0.1: Death Knight: Glyph of Vampiric Blood: Vampiric Blood no longer grants you health 4.0.1: Death Knight: Pillar of Frost: Strength increased by 20%. 4.0.1: Death Knight: Brittle Bones: Your Strength is increased by 2/4% 4.0.1: Death Knight: Unholy Strength: Strength increased...
Sadly, Frost Mage earns my first bad ranking. They are predominantly a PvP spec in Cataclysm and don't scale well for PvE damage. They could be useful in short bursts or fights requiring control, such as certain heroic dungeons, but in most raid scenarios, a Frost Mage wouldn'...
Blood is the death knight tanking spec, primarily amplifying the death knight's melee spells, weapons, and abilities. Blood's primary abilities are [Marrowrend], which provides a stacking buff that reduces damage taken, and [Death Strike], which provides self-healing and a temporary damage ...
Would be the first cloth tank... Forsaken do have the Monk class which can preform all 3 roles, but really the only reason Goblins (and worgen) don't have monks is because they starting zone is set timeline-wise to just before the cataclysm which is before the wandering isle pandaren ...
DK OFFER TITLE 80 Shaman ( equipped 625 ) | Spec: Restoration [ 1 Year Free Insurence ] LucyLesta Total orders: 781 Member since: 2015 4.9 (358) 24 Hours $ 599.00 BUY NOW 80 Paladin ( equipped 617 ) | Spec: Retribution | 71 Mounts | 7k Achiev [ 1 Year Free Insurence ] ...