Cataclysm Classic Hour of Twilight PTR Notes: January 30thThe Auction House is the focus of the next phase of Cata Classic PTR testing, as it’s getting an update in the new patch. Blizzard have also decided to postpone Raid Finder testing for the Dragon Soul raid.WoW ClassicJan 31, 2025...
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm (abbreviated as Cata), is the third expansion for World of Warcraft. Set primarily in a dramatically reforged Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms on the world of Azeroth, the expansion set follows the return of the evil Dragon Asp
Arms Warrior Arms Warriors spend an entire expansion (Wrath of the Lich King) as a joke class spec, overshadowed by the likes of the Retribution Paladin and Death Knight. In Cataclysm, they made a massive return to form with a huge buff to their overall kit and damage. However, Arms Warr...
SetPVP(arg1) - Sets the players PVP mode (1 to enable, nil to toggle off eventually) PROTECTED SitStandOrDescendStart() - The player sits, stands, or descends (added 2.1) PROTECTED StartDuel("name") - Challenge someone to a duel, by name. (protected 2.0) TogglePVP() - Toggles PVP ...
Khromix 8 posts 10 Human Warrior 40 WoW Community Council Aug 2023 Hello everyone! I am Khromix, been playing this game since TBC with a break after Cata and came back to Shadowlands! Multiclasser with primary focus on PvP! Looking forward to meeting all new people and to hear what ever...
My warrior was just as easy to laugh at with their lmao “gladiator dps spec”. Was in TBC like, 17/3/41 I think? WAS SO BAD LMAO. BRO SAME. I had this energy regen build. Just went back to the calculator to see if I could rebuild it. Something like 31-40-0, get Overkill,...
Making a TourGuide guide to go get all quests in the least possible travels would be very cool too, but I can’t help on that I fear. Instead, I started a collection of quests, to have something concrete in my hands while proposing this guide, but I stopped because of Cataclism. ...
Warrior General Guides Achievement Guides Addons & Macro Guides Gold Making Guides All large gold making guides. Smaller ones could be possible combined into a Wiki to keep organisation and quality at a high. Guide Writing Guides Guild Management Guides ...
switching Improved Disciplines for Improved Intercept for PvP purposes etc. To be noted however that all guilds should have at least one warrior with Improved Demoralizing Shout and Improved Thunderclap. In general, the numbers stay the same: 33/28/0 for Arms PvE, 17/44/0 for Fury PvE.* ...
WoW Classic, which wrapped upWrath of the Lich Kingthen launched intoCataclysmis next on the list. That kind of faded asCatagot long in the tooth pretty quickly. The year kicked off with a search for something likeValheim… which led us to playValheimagain, kicking off our third run at ...